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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2020

Never Forget American hero July 4th 1996 shirt

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 If only England had mountains to make this necessary. I'm sure a jetpack is great for molehills but, something meatier in the Alps? Clearly, you've never been to the Lake District. The highest peaks can take 2 hours to ascend for a fit walker. you ever lost a family member to sudden death, when you will always wonder if that precious person would have lived, had paramedics got there sooner? These minutes could save lives. Anything that can help like this, is very positive, something wonderful to bring hope. It's not April 1 either lovely. great idea Brilliant this is why you wanted to be a paramedic isn’t it forget helicopter license. I want one of these now you could train in this too you could be a real flying superhero new mode of transport to get to The Top worth looking into. My birthday is soon I couldn’t cope if I saw you flying round in this The paramedics going to be the next iron man game-changer right there new job? Looks fun! Buy it here:  Never Forget America...

April Girls the one where they were quarantined 2020 shirt

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  (just like slave master did, which shows you know nothing) No, you are the ones who still do not understand African Americans, and just expect us to accept whatever you want to throw at us. And yes there has been a major increase in white supremacists activities. African Americans see it, you just do not want to. BLM thinks it’s ok to loot burn riot and intimidate. You have no idea who I am or what I’m about. You assume I am a supporter of Trump. That’s your problem. Or one of them. I just stated that BLM started when Obama was president. But everyone now wants to blame it on Trump. What did Obama do? Did he classify the KKK as a terrorist like Trump did? No. Again, you don't know me. I understand America. Maybe you should try stop making it sound you voted for him and you gave him a chance. He finally does something and you claim he's trying to win you. He won without your votes in 2016. Buy it here:  April Girls the one where they were quarantined 2020 shirt HomePage: 20...

Frenchie Pew Pew Madafakas vintage shirt

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 He has no interest in any party's platform. He's destroyed the republican party.Jessica Fernandez, I’m using what’s called common sense. What he did or did not do for the military has nothing to do with what he is promising now. The fact is His record for telling the truth is poor. I’m not one of those people who has to get eaten by a lion to know that I shouldn’t walk up to pet it. They have given lip service and empty promises maybe he should just buy votes like Bloomberg in Florida. probably left out because it’s a LIE like everything else he says. I know it’s as good as Lindsey Graham's word. In the (-) I didn’t say he gave them their first raise in years. I said he gave them the biggest raise in 10 years. Read much?“On Sept. 1, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that 307 miles of the border wall have been completed.” You’re not very smart, are you? You send me articles that prove my point. Not Buy it here:  Frenchie Pew Pew Madafakas vintage shirt HomePa...

Joe Biden China’s Dog shirt

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 But what happens when the old and vulnerable are protected? You then get everyone else living their lives moaning about how they are unable to spend time with their old and vulnerable family. 100%right there And all those elderly people paid all their working life into the NHS! They’ve been isolating for what? 4 days? God knows what state they will be in after 10Ha ha this is a joke, ALL of us are not happy but this is new, get a grip! It’s been going on for over 6 months, it’s not so new this couldn’t have been handled infinitely better. Your one of those that thinks it’s a scam hope your family and friends don’t get too many parties and pubs going out drinking it was going to happen main sufferers are the international students. They are paying fees double than the locals. So, paying double the tuition fees and not getting proper education is really disappointing. They are getting their education. What they aren’t getting is COVID. Buy it here:  Joe Biden China’s Dog shirt...

Owl A book a day keeps reality away shirt

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  Do your bit for the country and stay inside and study hard - it’s for your own good. If the uni wasn’t putting restrictions in they’d be blamed for not caring. No one is a winner right now with what’s going on, so make the best of a bad job well said Joanne, A lot of self-centered people being exposed to the media rubbish perpetuating items that criticize the government.These young people in 1914 1940 would have been fighting in a world war but now can't cope with anything that affects them adversely.Think of others the elderly the vulnerable people are a lot worse of than you FFS what is the obsession with comparing with wartime conditions. I fear you might have romanticized the reality Not comparing the pandemic with war, stating the kids have it easy but don't seem to cope with anything adults should whats happened is a consequence to action and also called life were all affected by the restrictions imposed were keeping everyone safe.Pretty obvious this would happen! Buy ...

End of an error January 20th 2021 shirt

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 You're saying he doesn't collect taxpayers money for his salary, which is $400K/yr. But he does use the taxpayers funds for other stuff like golf. From 2 weeks into his presidency until July 2019, he used $105M of taxpayers money for golf. That's 262.5 years of salary. Micheal MacDonald the title of the article states trump's golf outings could cost taxpayers $340M, but the article states it has already cost taxpayers $105M. The article also mentions ObamaHi's image is just fine. He’s lost money while running for president and then donated his salary. He’s donated more income than most Americans will make in a decade. He's rich and he knows how to make America great again! LAW AND ORDER throw that man in Jail! As he says “makes me smart” Most, if not all of the "FACTS" appear to be Inaccurate... the lawyer doesn't want to be disbarred for Lying. They are in fact FACTSNo wonder he didn’t want to show his tax returns. Buy it here:  End of an error ...

Jack Skellington and Sally face mask Ew people shirt

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 The problem with Brad Pascal & Ron Paul who is in his late 70's they are both affiliated with trump their sins & lies are destroying them physically & mentally which is causing their deterioration. From the way, I see it Donald Trump is mentally ill. And everyone who's on his staff is also mentally ill and having suicidal intentions and psychotic breakdowns. This it's going to be the last that we hear of this. But anyway who cares right? It seems like everything is trying to go to hell anyway. America at its f****** worse. This is not funny. This man's wife, and children if they have any, could have been subjected to his suicide. Even worse, they could have been victims of a murder-suicide. I am glad he agreed to get help and I hope he gets well.One can only assume he is being investigated for fraud like all the other campaign staffers convicted- To all of you who say you hate Trump, but feel empathy for one of his enablers, should the orange goon attempt t...

I like bourbon and my smoker and maybe 3 people shirt

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 The cult is falling. I fear things like this will happen more often in next 6mos or so.Everything Trump's touches becomes a nightmare. So sorry this man feels so desperate. May God give him peace.I hope he gets the help he needs so he can go through with it next time.This man sold his soul to the devil to steal an election for dump. Dump has used this man up. He's no longer useful, so he's discarded like rubbish. I hope the man gets help.How would someone just want to take is or her life just like that it makes no sense.I'm saddened by the amount of people who think a suicide attempt by anyone is funnyPlease watch the showtime movies : THE COMEY RULES. Showtime is a 14 day free in App Store. ,brilliant acting and remarkable explanation of Trump’s character and the politics of hate and division. .Reading all the negative comments on here about the guy and the President I now do understand why we lost the VN war to the communist party. Buy it here:  I like bourbon and m...

Stand back I’m going to try science vintage shirt

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  He was no doubt terrified of the fallout from the NY Times article on Trump’s tax returns. He sold his soul and now karma’s come calling., bullseye! People who commit suicide go straight to hell someone teach this to others only God gives and take life.For all those that are not Trump supporters but still calling for compassion and empathy, I thank you. politics should have nothing to do with wether my life as a black person matter either but that's what they turned it into. so pathetic, the country we live in, sometimes am scared of even going to a bar for a drink what the hell does that even have to do with? It has nothing to do with this. I lost all hope in trading until I met Mr Julius Patrick who convinced me to trade with him and I gave it a try, ever since then I've made alot of money just with his help. Thank you very much Mr Julius Patrick You can contact him through this link I don't expect you to get it, understand, or care. Buy it here:  Stand back I’m going ...

The Beatles whisper words of wisdom let it be shirt

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  He cares more for black America than any other president. This guy is wonderful and amazing. Keep up the great work Mr. President. you can't be this delusional hard to believe trump cares more about black people than our only black president did! It’s about time people started to respect our great and amazing President. These haters need to get over it and accept he’s the best thing that ever happened to this country.Questions what do u know about black America. I pay taxes I know enough. They love our country it’s just a few bad apples in the ghetto making the rest look bad So you think I’m an African troll because I have African friends? It’s not my fault many people in Africa don’t have internet and they want to be my friend it’s a plan, do you get it? Like a plan to “build a wall and have Mexico pay for it”. Well we, the taxpayer ended to pay for that wall. Did you ask the 200,000 Americans that have died due to COVID? Buy it here:  The Beatles whisper words of wisdom l...

Supernatural Dean Winchester eye of the tiger vintage shirt

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 You do realize who have the controlling vote right, he doesn't even need the democrats if that was what he really wanted he's shown us that already. What he has done is stolen from all those democrat bills that Mitch McConnell has been sitting on for the last 4+ years and tried to make it his own, because if there is one thing he has shown us loud and clear is that he cares nothing about black lives. and where are we those Tax Returns? DUMP TRUMP Honestly receiving € 5,350 after investing € 300 is what I Honestly receiving € 5,350 after investing € 300 is what I never expected, thanks for putting an undying smile on my face, thanks to mr Ecrin Kurt, so you know that this "platinum plan" is a lie, TOO. If he was serious he could literally do this right now. Not just dangle it as a carrot for *if* they vote for him. right? He's gonna put this out there and expect me to vote for him like I was born yesterday or something.   Buy it here: Supernatural Dean Wincheste...

Nurse living on lysol face masks rubber gloves and a prayer shirt

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 If he overrides the standards let him and his family and minions be the first to line up - I’ll want discredit the media discredit all government agencies preach himself as the answer whare have I heard this before. FDA tries to step in to rebuild public confidence in the vaccine. Trump once against undermines that confidence lol. This man told people to consume and inject bleach, it might be best to wait for a new president before trying the vaccine.Would be perfect if all of CDC and FDA and Bauchi resign so only his political puppets left to serve him.I wouldn't go within 10 feet of a vaccine that was pushed this way by the WH. He wants to control everything and yet he is so uninformed and such a POS. This ignorant man is trying to take over medical science! If the president of the country overrides the Any Institution for the welfare of citizens, then what's wrong with it? I don't know why some ppl want to spread hypocrisy before the election day. Say hello to Putin for...

Michael Myers boogeyman shirt

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 I have said the same thing every time I think he couldn't do something more outrageous or disgusting, he says hold my Big Mac Anyone who trusts a politician instead of a doctor for medical advice deserves what they get.Tougher standards to save lives and Trump says he could overrule it. If you still think Trump has your best interest in mind, you've lost your mind. toughest standards for what I thought. HE said COVID was a load of crap He said it was going to disappear and go away like a miracle.If it’s going to go away why are you pushing for a vaccine before Election Day?NC IS TRUMP COUNTRY.YOU BETTER MOVE TO CALIF OR NY in a few weeks, I don't doubt that Trump will proclaim that COVID is completely gone and his gullible will believe him, as they continue to drop dead from COVID. I moved from NY to NC to help turn it blue and that's what's happening.How come when the Police are involved the Hypocrites on the Left don't blame the Gun or the NRA or the Gun Manu...

33 years of Trace Adkins 1987 2020 signature thank you for the memories shirt

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  Who in their right mind would take a vaccine pushed by the WH! I blame the Republican party they are the ones who have allowed everything that is happening happens and they have made Trump just about untouchable. And as long as he's in office the more power they are giving him. I will not take any vaccine that isn’t approved by the FDA. Screw you trump for even suggesting that Americans do that. The FDA is there to protect us. If he is so sure its safe, trump first followed by all of his family and then every Republican in Congress, then every Trump supporter at his rallies. Then, I STILL won't get it! Can't help but wonder if he's got a personal financial stake in this like he did when he was pushing hydroclororiuin. If this is any indication that the highest office in the land shouldn’t be played with, I don’t know what to tell you. Buy it here:  33 years of Trace Adkins 1987 2020 signature thank you for the memories shirt HomePage: 2020 Kuteshirt Cool Store   ...

Back Cat I read so I don’t punch people in the throat vintage shirt

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 That’s why we are humans not robots right? Human error. Dealing with technology when a premeditated murderer (a trophy hunter) gets eaten by a bear, that’s simply karma. once again, the bear did not have a gun. He was trying not to get killed. Like cops killing unarmed men.Did it say he was out bear hunting or you guys are just the almighty right and know exactly what happened? The hunter being hunted. This is very interesting. I think it’s fair because he died trying to kill. We got guns so it’s already an unfair Advantage. He wasn’t supposed to get mauled. how do you know he wasn’t bow hunting? Also with your asinine comment, I’m assuming you’re a vegan? bear bagged one. Hunter got none. At least the bear won't have him stuffed and mounted; reduced to a trophy so he could brag about his kill. As an amateur hunter myself this is the best way to go. Buy it here:  Back Cat I read so I don’t punch people in the throat vintage shirt HomePage: 2020 Kuteshirt Trending Store ...

Jurassic running team hold on to your butts vintage shirt

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  I don’t see your dumb comment The Bibel was written by Male persons. It is not what God wants us to do. Human is the only animal that kills for fun. That is perverse. That is the least you can do. Godsend us COVID 19 for a reason. The Hunter become the hunted food for the BearY’all some heartless god forbid y’all ever get mauled and I hear about it. Imma laughs at every one of your family members that come asking for prayers. DMack right? In Alaska. They have to hunt for there food. It’s not like they have supermarkets to buy their meat and everything else.I meant to hunt. Not hunt. Obviously, spell check on spell phone. Haunt is a ghost or evil spirit hunt it’s going out searching. But thanks to going and try to comment like I don’t know what I’m talking about.  Buy it here:  Jurassic running team hold on to your butts vintage shirt HomePage: 2020 Kuteshirt Store                

Official Horse Heart shirt

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 Linda Kidd not true. Compare Sweden to Norway and Finland. Deaths per million. Sweden 580 oh, do you live there? Please share with the world how they managed to make it happen without shutting down! I would like to send you my account. If you are able to transfer $20, I will invest. It would be nice to have some national leadership, which actually came up with a thoughtful plan. The problem is, it’s like whack a mole. You get one or two cases, bring back indoor dining and gyms in the case of the spiral. That’s the problem. Ha the Australian media (largely conservative) have been hounding Dan Andrews (the guy in this picture) since the second outbreak (he's progressive so they want him gone.) Now he appears to be getting praise from CNN lol Australian conservative media is gonna hate that haha. Lord knows the US needs a model because 45 doesn’t know what the hell he is doing! Looks like the trump fake trolls are using spam as a distraction. Buy it here:  Official Horse Heart ...

Witch on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair moon Halloween shirt

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 Have a nice day! lol funny if you think I’m actually bothered - because he never claimed to know anything special about the vaccines, the timeline above is the same as Fauci's projection can't even fix Windows properly, why would you listen to him for medical advice? And why do we care what bill gates say or think; whatever he's involved he's making money and doesn't care one iota for the citizens of the USAI wish he would put more effort into his window operating system function or disfunction. And leave the other subjects to other more qualified. Well, he created viruses for those systems also to make more money. Now he just does it for us humans. Bill Gates wants to depopulate the world so that he and a few others can have control over people. I feel that the vaccine will kill off a large portion of people. Some will get the vaccine with stuff that will kill you and some will get the vaccine that won't kill you.  Buy it here:  Witch on a dark desert highway ...

Jack Skellington and Sally it’s the most wonderful time of the year Halloween tree shirt

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  Is your heart really only filled with hate and anger and insults? Must suck to be that miserable. Now let's create books about strong minorities that helped make America also because it is not just one minority you could easily find children books with strong black characters the "lack of diversity" in literature is one of the many unbiased claims we get presented as embarrassing "facts" nowadays I guess it was selfish for white people to only make books about white characters? Hendrik Vanderburgh, how is it selfish exactly? books don't serve to represent anyone but an author. I personally don't represent anyone in my books well yes if their main goal was only to represent them. What authors came to mind? oh really? So if I was to buy a book about beauty, make-up, or skincare for example (which I have) and all of the models used are white or Asian, why would the author not be representing white and Asian people in relation to those topics? exactly!  Bu...

Tattooing save me from being a pornstar but I still get paid to penetrate in all positions shirt

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  Read the caption again. These parents are selling books that show all children black, white, red, or brown that there are strong characters in people of all colors not just strong white characters my god. This is a great feel-good story about people who did something instead of just talking about it. Why do people have to turn it into some ridiculous pissing contest? Distance yourself from negativity. This is a great story. People actually DOING - to make a change. AwesomeYay! Yes, because of representation matters. If you can see it, you can believe it and achieve it. When I read a book. I care not what race they are. I only care how the book but shouldn't the government force the publishers and book stores to create content with strong black characters? Otherwise, it couldn't possibly be done, AmIRight? no, the racial bias makes them difficult to get published and distributed. And whites people are less inclined to buy books with POC leads than black people are to buy and r...

Snoopy and Woodstock come home shirt

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 My comment was that there are lots out there for them to acquire inventory. I still love their idea. Maybe this will encourage more writers and get a better market. Hello to you. Can we chat? it really is a form of entertainment. And then it makes me sad that it is 2020 and so many ignorant people still exist. your comment gives the impression that you think this wonderful couple wrote the books they are selling, they didn’t. It’s still a good thing they are doing I know right?!! Everything's been whitewashed for far too long! Even images of Jesus are whitewashed! I think it's awesome they're doing this! I think you misunderstood my comment. I support the pop-up shop and think their efforts are amazing. I was commenting on the people that are triggered. That is what is sad. Wtf is your problem? These children and families deserve a bookstore they can visit and find books that support them.  Buy it here:  Snoopy and Woodstock come home shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt...

Batman I don’t live in Darkness Darkness lives in me shirt

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 They say it’s rare but possible to get it twice. China had someone get it twice according to the CDC website. Vaccines, which are known eugenics tools by the educated human beings of the world, should never be used. Some effects of vaccines: Autism, autoimmune diseases, cancer, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, add, ADHD, etc. If I were offered millions to inject myself with death cocktails, I'd turn it down. Health can not be replaced. If you want to make vaccines mandatory than I would rather lick the doorknob of a 711 bathroom to get COVID and start the immunity. Get Membership benefits. Sign Up for Membership. Get rich by becoming us. Illuminati is a name given to the Enlightenment Secret Society of whom members were initiated. Vaccines have saved millions of lives. Buy it here:  Batman I don’t live in Darkness Darkness lives in me shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Trending Shirt 

Blood inside me UkMail press parcel mail Covid 19 2020 I can’t stay at home shirt

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 Thanks to Mrs. Shiv Rathod Lisa who makes this possible. Mrs. Shiv Rathod Lisa trade for me and I profited above my expectations. I recommended, if you want to start up, click on the link below. I'm totally free from financial distress. I couldn't believe it myself I am getting $5200 richer each week that passed by. Thanks to Mrs. Shiv Rathod Lisa who makes this possible. Mrs. Shiv Rathod Lisa trade for me and I profited above my expectations. I recommended, if you want to start up, click on the link below. Sweden is the 5th worst Europen country for deaths per capita. And their neighbors who locked down are some of the least deaths worldwide. Sweden was a huge failure. Not as much as the US, but still. I'm totally free from financial distress.I couldn't believe it myself I am getting $5200 richer each week that passed by. Thanks to Mrs. Shiv Rathod Lisa who makes this possible. Mrs. Shiv Rathod Lisa trade for me and I profited above my expectations.  Buy it here:  Blo...

Virgo women the sweetest most beautiful loving amazing evil psychotic creature you’ll shirt

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 Alex Roberts I mean, you're a wrong but sure fanboy, okay I've got an Xbox Vincent Voo no it's neck and neck but Xbox edges PS with it's cooling power the Series S can remain at the same temps than PS 4 after 24hrs, infrared cams picked that up and that to me is deal-breaker why do you think the controllers are better? I honestly prefer ps controllers. That’s actually the main factor why I haven’t bought an x-box, cause the controllers aren’t as nice ergonomically as the ps is much better. Tlou is a major selling point. Xbox doesn’t even have a comparable counterpart. Are they going to be on sale on Black Friday? Not enough new titles to convince me to buy right away; however, you should always wait for the second version to come out. It's not bad advice but I had a release PS4 and it never missed a beat until I traded it for a Pro. Buy it here:  Virgo women the sweetest most beautiful loving amazing evil psychotic creature you’ll shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt Trendin...

If you’re only pro life for the unborn and not for then you’re just pro birth shirt

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  If not then Xbox again is another 1 up on ps on digital gaming as I've bought off Amazon or other game stores due to being cheaper than the Xbox store.In Australia, it is going to cost $600 AUD for the top end machine so roughly 300 quid a fair bit cheaper. it’s a lot to do with the market and export. The probably a bigger market in the UK so they upped the price than the cost to export across the world. it's not just with consoles. We've had it with almost everything down the years. CDs were a prime example of years ago, about a 3rd more expensive than most other countries. potentially because of them being created in China and when they were in high demand. We had the dispute with Hong Kong Still reckon I've got 2-3 years left of PS4 before I need to switch for a better deal for a lot less and with games. same. I’m waiting for the games I really want before I get a PS5. Plus I can’t afford it right now anyway I’ve read as well the top games on PS4 will be compatible...

Muppets Electric Mayhem shirt

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  I just think there’s no hope with the ps or Xbox I think as soon as they hit the shelves they will be gone. Really hoped they would have been a little more organized for it. Even an earlier email for those who registered their interest would have been appreciated they sold out of pre-order in half an hour they’ll have more soon, but luckily got ours though! Roll on Nov well done on grabbing one! I’m now keeping a close eye on my emails for when Argos launch their pre-orders! it could be due to them having to cut back on production because of chip issues check eBay already people posting for hundreds more, even though they are breaking eBay policy as can’t supply the goods within 30 days go figure Nah, I'll wait two years and get it for $299 with three games included on Black Friday. Richard Wilde most gamers aren't PC savvy.  Buy it here:  Muppets Electric Mayhem shirt HomePage:  Top Kuteshirt Shirt  

Bitch I will put you in a trunk and help people look for you stop playn with me shirt

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  Now we have bombers getting out of prosecutions, it's sick you won't have to worry about it, seen as the UK are going to give up their colonies. Northern Ireland is on the island of Ireland. It is a colony. If Boris gets his way there will be many Body Bags been shipped across the IRISH sea filled with young British soldiers. Boris will reignite the Civil war. All murderers are scum! end off, the difference we do not vote for the UDA/UVF, etc, you guys vote for the IRA members hiding behind SF suits. While your crystal ball is out, ask it "was Gerry in the IRA" because he seems shxt scarred to admit it himself! youse vote for the PUP look at their membership before you start casting aspirations at any other party. The PUP has no members in Stormont, SF/IRA has around 30, hardly the same supporting the IRA means you also support their bombings should be thinking about the peace in his own the country, where the democrats are allowing cities to be destroyed.  Buy it h...

The Mandalorian and baby Yoda when you wish upon a Death Star shirt

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  'Never heard of it' The President doesn't ratify trade deals, the house does. And both Democrats and Republicans in the house have said, touch the border and you ain't getting a trade deal. Simples. remember what happened last time the Americans tried to get involved in Brexit? Backs up against the wall the Brits will always do the unexpected. - you'd be surprised I’d be more surprised if you had the slightest clue what was going on or the implications."Joe Biden has said" = Joe Biden read from the teleprompter what someone else wrote for hamlet's be honest. Northern Ireland or the UK won’t even exist in a few years. Why waste time- May as well kill it all off now. Brexit has utterly ruined everything remotely good about the UK. Unite Ireland and give Scotland independence. Rip off the band-aid this year. Can’t exactly get any worse, can it?  Buy it here:  The Mandalorian and baby Yoda when you wish upon a Death Star shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt S...

Whirlpool corporation Mickey mouse Covid 19 2020 I can’t stay at home shirt

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 So this is most definitely glorifying sexual assault the same way that all the confederate statues glorify racism. And I lean more conservative in my political standings. My boyfriend and I made it a point in our trip to San Diego to get a picture together in front of this statue (same statue as in Florida) because we both love WWII era history, including this iconic scene! So happy to see that the statue in Florida will be staying! I'm sure some feminists will keep the battle going. Probably over the original statue in NY. MeToo and Orange Man Bad! Amanda Lauf May your day be as clear as sunrise and as beautiful as a rose. May you have every reason to be happy and grateful every morning and may God grant your heart's wishes today and forever. Good morning to you. I doubt that woman resisted. I remember when Franklin D. Announced the war was over on the radio. Buy it here:  Whirlpool corporation Mickey mouse Covid 19 2020 I can’t stay at home shirt HomePage:  Top Kuteshi...

Grumpa like a regular grandpa only grumpier shirt

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  Do It! the response was Democrat. But we knew this, and are trying to protect humanity from falling into the trap. Democrats have made their followers believe that "we" are the enemy, which is categorically false. Fortunately, God made us patient so that all can see how twisted and wrong the democrat party is. We are ALL in this together! And to whom does this monument interfere? Someone doesn't like kissing girls? India No Turning brothers against brothers, children against parents, and students against teachers are all the trick that the Communist and Democrats are doing. Maoist Red Guard recruited children to kill their own teacher, then they pulled down the statue of Confucius, destroyed their own history. Oh, and the Soviet ones did kill their own monarchs in cold blood the sad part is that the client, "educators" are to blame.  Buy it here:  Grumpa like a regular grandpa only grumpier shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Best Store

Maybe next year since 1957 shirt

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 Get an f ing life already-! I Have a degree in history. You’re the one that wants to ignore it obviously. This statue does not represent any kind of malicious behavior so don’t try to spin it and make it something it is not. My first question wth is wrong with you? Do you know her? Was she offended? You have no idea, do you? Don't you think it's a good idea to stay indoors with your families using your mobile phone to make up to $85,000 weekly if you are interested inbox me? Kathy Hitler burnt those, so you need more permanent reminders you think it’s acceptable for a drunk man to grab a woman he doesn’t know and bend her backward, placing his open mouth over hers? Are you looking at the same statue everyone else is? She wasn’t resisting. At the VERY least her hands would have been up and pushing him off. Mick De La Torre funny you should mention that. Google the original images of the photos, there are more than one, that inspired this photo.  Buy it here:  Maybe next y...

Raccoon coven of trash witches Halloween shirt

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 CNN, science is NOT exempt from criticisms. Look at the Frankenstein monster it created - SCIENTIFIC RACISM and The Father of American Science was the loudest on what is now deemed scientific racism. So, let us address the roots. Enough of your Edward Bernays’ tactics. Not all of us are braindead trees fall in like 18 months, they turn into match stick, they get up and explode because they don't have any water. OkaayNo wonder Jared said, to understand the President, you have to read Alice in Wonderland. Ya, and smoke a joint or two. He's the best president with a Scientific mind and iron heart You don’t even go here! I wonder if the democrat CNN network will be the last again to inform viewers that Trump has won a second term. They were in a state of shock at the last election how about CNN focuses on the greatness of Joe.  Buy it here:  Raccoon coven of trash witches Halloween shirt HomePage:  Top Kuteshirt Shirt 

Michigan Wolverines one nation under God shirt

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  I’ve never wanted a blood diamond although there are great alternatives nowadays I’d love a space diamond. Of course without children mining. The next sports star to cheat on his wife will buy her one as an apology gift! Is your bitcoin 0.000000000 you can make it 0.1927777268 in just an hour, Follow the link below to know more click the link below to chat with the manager he/she is the best bitcoin trader so far Is your bitcoin 0.000000000 you can make it 0.1927777268 in just an hour, Follow the link below to know more click the link below to chat with a manager he/she is the best bitcoin trader so far Is your bitcoin 0.000000000 you can make it 0.1927777268 in just an hour, Follow the link below to know more Too much of anything makes it worth nothing. Value is in the eye of the beholder. precisely stored carbon can be released with an intense response. Basically, diamonds can fuel more space exploration. Buy it here:  Michigan Wolverines one nation under God shirt HomePag...

Captain Spaulding why hello sweet cheeks have a seat shirt

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 They’ll take it to the grave. Probably sooner than they realize, with these super spreader events.Negative reports about Trump all the time. But he who is in him is greater than y'all. Mail him a citation and fine him per person over the limit after he’s not prez and can’t use our tax dollars- Not that the deadbeat will pay, but still, lolI did. And the research told me u have a 99 percent chance of surviving it. Wheres your research Then maybe you don’t know how to read or only watch Fox News - I could share links all day both domestic and international explaining why your 99% is wrong as a POTUS ever died due to stupidity? Deep breaths between each line 10 days incubation are it? no dumb. It's was a protest and it's those people's choice to attend just like a BLM or Antifa gathering. Pound salt! We know what it is but he thinks that it's going to help his votes.  Buy it here:  Captain Spaulding why hello sweet cheeks have a seat shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt St...

Witch Lit Halloween shirt

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 Hard-headed brainwashed people. I know it’s hard but you should really look up all the facts not just listen to CNN are you suggesting that a cast of thousands is as critical as perhaps 5 to 10 people. Really you want to do this with me. One would hope that a president had more sense and would set a better example. No, it wasn't. You're thinking of the German study that discussed 260k cases. The 300 plus cases are based on actual tracing. you’re exactly right! Maybe DJT knows that the whole fear-mongering narrative is all BS. YOU white people did it for years and decades why can't ANYONE else do it? Chris Gerondale first off they are not protester's they are criminals. No one but criminals says it's ok. Oh never mind the line between criminals and anyone at a touch rally is about the same line. NO, it’s not perfectly fine those protestors are out spreading the virus. Sorry, you think that way. LIKE says it is what it is why is the narrative the new buzz word? It’s ...

Alabama Crimson Tide one nation under God shirt

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  I had it, as did my son. Neither of us particularly ill. Then a couple weeks ago I heard from an old friend - he's 12 weeks into it now, has lost half his body weight, and aged 15/20 years. His doctors have told him a full recovery is now impossible. Are you going to call him, me and my son liars? What factual proof will you require to challenge your flakey, internet-sourced opinion? viruses make people sick, yes. The flu makes people sick. I never said that COVID didn’t exist. 'the flu' does not permanently damage or destroy people's lungs. COVID is simply NOT the flu. It seems extraordinary to me that relatively normal, reasonably educated people will still say 'I ain't seen it so it doesn't exist'. Even when your own cult leader is on record saying it does and that it's way more dangerous than flu. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you? The flu does indeed cause many to die and to get pneumonia and cause many lasting issues. Buy it here:  Alabama Cri...

Father Ted 25th anniversary 1995 2020 thank you for the memories shirt

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 They get it. they can spread it. risk your kids if you want. They use percentages to make things seem worse than they are. They will make the group small to create a higher percentage rate for fear-mongering what about the numbers in England or France Brazil India numbers rising there Are they trying to scare people too this is not just in the US 200 countries think about how fast kids pass a cold around a class. That number is about to get way worse all because people are tired of being around their kids. Shouldn't have had them if that's how you feel. I heard so many parents complain about the online classes saying they didn't sign up to be teachers. Umm, yes you did when you had a child. Gabriel Harris Amen! Schools are not babysitters, or the ones responsible for raising them right. They are educators, face to face, or virtual. People need to wake up and take responsibility for their own actions and stop blaming and putting their burden on others.  Buy it here:  Fath...

My password is the last 8 digits of Pi vintage shirt

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  Jeff Litman That's funny because there actually was a very thorough plan the question is, why didn't Trump use the Pandemic Playbook. Read it. You'll see there's no excuse for the US being 11th in the world for mortality rates. Found this little gem in his plan. He helped lead the Obama-Biden Administration’s effective response to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic I guess you never heard of N1H1. Sleepy should have had a plan for that but didn’t many died. Even after that he still didn’t have a plan. He’s NOT capable of being anywhere near the White House even White Castle wouldn’t hire him in his condition, I’m serious. you're serious? So you want to know his plan for a different virus from a number of years ago because you think it would be the same for this virus? Your boy has been playing president for the last 3 years, this is on him.  Buy it here:  My password is the last 8 digits of Pi vintage shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirts Hot Store

Rick and Morty I suck at apologies so unfuck you or whatever shirt

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 I thought All Lives Matter!?! There has been a lovely camaraderie between the Native American and Irish peoples dating back to the potato famine (perhaps longer). Well done Eire. There has been a lovely camaraderie between the Native American and Irish peoples dating back to the potato famine (perhaps longer). Well done Eire. How about wearing jeans and auction off those ridiculous dresses with all proceeds going to several charities. I'd rather see kids in clean socks and new tennis shoes than a Hollywood fashion freak show. Oh, how sweet this is. The tears just jumped out of me for this Momma. Prayers for your broken heart. He should be pardoned for that murder for hire BS. He was set up on that crap. But for killing tigers, he should definitely serve time for that. Even if they were sick, it was his responsibility to maintain their health. A true Patriot speaking from the heart. And there are millions of such out there with some words written in their hearts.  Buy it here:...

Witch sitting on broom Lawyer by dry witch by night Halloween shirt

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 A good person loves kids. If you wanna fail or lose mistreat them and you'll see what will happen to you. Children are just wonderful I love them wherever they are from. Sad you make excuses for crimes against humanity being enacted on people who have committed no crime! Seeking asylum! What does "kicked out? mean? To where? Dropped off at the Mexican border? Transported somewhere? Illegals, not migrants. Where are their parents? no not illegals they were taken from ppl at legal points of entry while applying legally for refugee status! very very few can be approved for refugee status or asylum. The parents should have never left their children alone. Never.trumps insane policies shouldn't come as any surprise until one reads this. that man and his administration are utterly shameful. We had immigration laws before Trump the problem was your heroes were just too corrupt to enforce them so they left the problem up to him Robert lol you keep telling yourself that! In the me...

TinkerBell Happy Hallothanksmas shirt

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 Stop believing Republican propaganda. Ron Shimkus And yet your aunt is allowed to stay while she waits? These people are not even offered a fair hearing. The children, even toddlers go before the judge and are expected to answer questions? Children are separated from their parents and family? How can they go thru the process when they are abused and not allowed the first step? I couldn't stay with my husband of 20 years when he moved back to England because he made slightly less than their quota. Ron, maybe they could be a cheap labor source for Donnie! I know a couple of people that came here illegally. But no one ever questioned them because they were white/English. Ron, maybe they could be a cheap labor source for Donnie! tho those deported are actually native Americans? So-called Latinos only for the benefit of keeping northern tribes separated from the southern? Sou as anyone else is the actual illegals. Buy it here:  TinkerBell Happy Hallothanksmas shirt HomePage: ...

Coors Light definition the glue holding this 2020 shitshow together shirt

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 Ron Shimkus, we have no right to cruelly separate families oftentimes permanently for seeking asylum. It's unethical. Ron Shimkus human beings aren’t illegal, and non-citizens have some rights in this country. Read the Constitution. Ron Shimkus, yet you fail to take into a concentration that the USA has made it illegal to seek refuge. now that's one of the human rights acts. your aunt has been given the chance these haven't had any of that. In order to seek asylum as a refugee, Step one is to show up at the border. You can't apply ahead. These people don't have years to wait nor the resources to "emigrate." They are refugees. Different laws apply. It's immoral to separate families who are already experiencing trauma. Instead, she should do it the Mel way. Stay when your student visa expires, live and work here illegally for almost 4 years, meet Donald trump, become his mistress, have him buy a visa that you don’t qualify for, then marry him and have a...

21 Proud for Puerto Rico shirt

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 This is a fact, I’m sorry you’re so uncomfortable with the truth That would be Trump who knew this virus was nothing like the flu and that it was airborne. Because of Trump's pathetic tail over 190,000 Americans is dead. That’s a fact. Actually, these lockdowns have created a lot of death too whatever you prefer to stay home or reopen America's death on both sides of the aisle saw an article a few days ago that said the summer heat makes it's spread more. With $100 you can make $500 within 24hrs without sending money to anybody, ask me howWhy waste your time on a monthly salary. I have never been this happy since I started trading today getting my first withdrawal with the help of Mrs. Filippa Mehra who's helped me manage my account. I must say he's the best ever with an investment of $500 I was able to make $5600 in 24 hours, you can still contact her and be happy like me dr Anthony Bauchi helped lead the USA through the aids, sars, mers, ebola and zika epidemics....

At vaere mormor betyder ikke at man er gammel det betyder at man er blevet velsignet med det fineste som findes shirt

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  Does anyone else think its kind of funny how they were calling for unity this and unity that and equality but as soon as they kicked off they started with the racist tomahawk chants and fake Native American? Just to remind you CNN, Your president Donald Trump was nominated for the noble peace prize. I'm from Norway and the one who nominated Trump was from Norway. And I can tell you that it is like Steve Bannon nominated Trump. Or Draco in Harry Potter. Or the Joker in Batman. Or the Beagle Boys in Donald Duck. I know, I would be so proud too."Boos were heard from racist, bootlickers at Arrowhead." Fixed it for you. The same racist idiots booing, will be sitting on their couch at home throughout the entire anthem next week, stuffing their fat faces and cheering their team after each TD. Adorable. MuRiKKKa.Sports are done thanks for supporting DONALD TRUMP John Blakney. Quarantine Private Agent (Mr. Frank Jacobs) Text him ((323) 880-4124) let him know you got his text num...

Gaius Julius Caesar world tour SPQR shirt

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 After their salty tears dry, they'll be watching. It's in football. They booed equality? Wtf KC? The guy you like thinks your home state is Kansas and you have the temerity to boo unity? Really. Dallas sucks but so do the chefs. One of my new most hated teams. This is the first opening night in 20 years I haven't watched and this crap is why. I have NO interest in watching a bunch of overpaid idiots makes a mockery out of this country. Shut up and play ball!must from the whites, not all of them. tell me if I am wrong, I am from South Africa. It’s gonna be hilarious if ratings and attendance still Kees dropping. I know so many people that stopped watching the NFL after the spoiled Kaepernick took a knee. How come kap never took a knee wheN he was starting QB? America doesn't wanna hear about that black just like in 1619. as long as blacks being victimized, brutalized & killed just shut up and take it to take whatever is dished out to them it’s okay.  Buy it here:  G...

Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger damn shirt

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 I will amend it though the Nice way to out the racists now we know it was never about the flag, I'm assuming you're referring to the racist NFL players who only whine over black criminals being killed. The Chiefs fans booed. The players didn’t kneel they stood in unity. This is about protecting and promoting racism for people. People don’t care about the flag being disrespected or the military. They just want racism to remain. Sean Michael if it’s “freedom of speech “ why are you whining like a little baby about my opinion? Stop contradicting yourself it’s embarrassing. I have a right to boo if I choose and you have a right to not like it, it’s the same equal rights they say they don’t have but if I don’t support the BLM movement I’m wrong or racist? I don't think the fans were booing unity. They were showing their disapproval of the NFL bringing politics on the field. Buy it here:  Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger damn shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Store

20 Lou Brock 1939 2020 St Louis Cardinals 1964 1979 Hall of Fame signature thank you for the memories shirt

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  Itz Ruth Morgan STFU and stop trying to tell an oppressed people how TF to feel. YOU don’t get that privilege, PERIODSo she got it while they were remote learning. Very sorry for the lost but how is this new worthily this isn’t the only person with underlying health conditions I know most people don’t understand me because I’m a little bit more intelligent than sleepy joeSo she was teaching ONLINE CLASSES not in-room physical classes ppl so it wasn't done to kids infecting her or crowded classrooms didn't say anything about any pre-existing conditions like ( by looking at the picture) obesity a to say tested positive on a Friday a dead 3 days later seems to be extremely fast since from all other information so far, you get put on ventilators if your that bad may she rest in peace. Just to think this beautiful soul would still be alive if the virtual environment was being utilized.  Buy it here:  20 Lou Brock 1939 2020 St Louis Cardinals 1964 1979 Hall of Fame signature ...

Baby Groot hug baby Jack Skellington happy quar o teen 2020 shirt

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 Schools in South Carolina started anywhere from 8/19-8/21. It is very well possible she got it while in school this year I have not heard anyone Else dying of anything else other than COVID makes no sense is he your president right now? Maybe you should be asking this question to someone who is currently your president. Biden blatantly lies every day, it’s time wake up from the media sell you’re under sweetheart. Biden would do Trump has already done This is trumps fought, why he knew how bad this was to hide it from us all. This country should have been shut down and the proper precautions are taken. Her death with the others is in his shoulders. These families should file wrongful death suits against him. If for nothing else his stupidity in all this. China and the protests had nothing to do with it at all. Or any of the other democrats saying it was nothing to be worried about at the beginning. Buy it here:  Baby Groot hug baby Jack Skellington happy quar o teen 2020 shirt...

Dragon pumpkin Halloween shirt

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 It will never be "under control". Keep schools closed forever and stay at home till we die if you can’t teach your kids at home to keep them safe, then you shouldn’t have them.sad for her loss of life, but she was overweight which didn't help her recover. Sad it looks like she may have had some underlying health issues also which I'm sure contributed to her death! you know what she had, Brian? Covid-19! That's what killed her. May she rest in peace. How sad that she had to live in this messed-up country in the United States where our president knew how dangerous this virus wasn't, but purposely did nothing to protect our citizens properly. Brian Oliver everyone and their cat have a contributing whatever or underlying something lurking in the depths of their notes. makes very little difference in terms of justifying or excusing their death.  Buy it here:  Dragon pumpkin Halloween shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Store

Strike first Cobra Kai the Karate kid strike hard no mercy shirt

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Hahaha, show me one death certificate in the history of humanity with that as the Cause of Death? hahaha Maybe those who had some underlying illnesses and contracted the virus died of original illness but the virus was too much for their body to cope with and could still be alive if they hadn't had COVID-19. Just like somebody can have cancer but it could be pneumonia that actually causes their death. Only if we get to laugh at you when someone in your family dies from the virus. Not that you would be upset. Even if your whole family were to die it would be fine. I mean, it's not like there have been as many deaths as ppl though so it's fine, right? Jim Berthold it would be nice to do that. Lowe on. But if the number of cases is above what hospitals can deal with, it will just be horrible. Who dies, who can be saved? This what happened in March this year. We are safe but how about the people who deal with serious cases? Buy it here:  Strike first Cobra Kai the Karate kid ...