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Does anyone else think its kind of funny how they were calling for unity this and unity that and equality but as soon as they kicked off they started with the racist tomahawk chants and fake Native American? Just to remind you CNN, Your president Donald Trump was nominated for the noble peace prize. I'm from Norway and the one who nominated Trump was from Norway. And I can tell you that it is like Steve Bannon nominated Trump. Or Draco in Harry Potter. Or the Joker in Batman. Or the Beagle Boys in Donald Duck. I know, I would be so proud too."Boos were heard from racist, bootlickers at Arrowhead." Fixed it for you. The same racist idiots booing, will be sitting on their couch at home throughout the entire anthem next week, stuffing their fat faces and cheering their team after each TD. Adorable. MuRiKKKa.Sports are done thanks for supporting DONALD TRUMP John Blakney. Quarantine Private Agent (Mr. Frank Jacobs) Text him ((323) 880-4124) let him know you got his text number from me! Good luck Wow!
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