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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2023

Living La Vida Loca but not willingly shirt

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  I dont get why a member of party can investigate her own party n public arent privvy to the whole story...police were late getting involved too. The whole situation is disgusting and disrespectful to the people locking us all up then partying on the hush at least twice. I think it's about time everyone gets over the little gathering they had at Nu 10 and start worrying about the war that will kill 1000nds more, if they were all working together, they more than likely had to take tests anyway , this is all political nothing to do about us it's all about labour getting control.  Buy it here:  Living La Vida Loca but not willingly shirt

Native American Stop human trafficking God’s children are not for sale shirt

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 So now we won't get to see Sue Grey"s report, if ever. By the time we get the met report Boris will be back in the good books with all his camp. Cival servants and all who attended the party's should all be held to account. The police investigation should have come first. People might have said things to Sue Gray, not under caution or a warning about self-incrimination. Any such statements would probably be ruled inadmissible in a subsequent prosecution and it would be unwise to publicise them before any charges are brought.  Buy it here:  Native American Stop human trafficking God’s children are not for sale shirt ​​​​​​​

Shayne Smith Surfing Rodeo Halloween shirt

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  She assured me it wasn't cancer but believe it ir not cancer hadn't even crossed my mind. She ordered an MRI scan & 2days after hvng it they called me with an appt in 2 days where I was told that they now thought the cyst probably was cancerous but it was contained inside the cyst so they now cldnt do keyhole surgery because they wanted to remove it whole to prevent any leaks. I was operated on 3wks ltr. I discovered the cyst at the end of Sept, saw colectal specialist 2wks ltr, had scan 1wk ltr but coz they cldnt see the cancer everything slowed down & I didn't see the gynecologist til December. Buy it here:  Shayne Smith Surfing Rodeo Halloween shirt ​​​​​​

Only their interests keep them shirt

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 They also included 25 year old members of Gaza fighting groups. Also included were casualties of their own rocket misfires. As someone who deals with the consistent rockets and terror from Hamas and other terror groups, it is nice to see Gazans fighting for their future. If they had not chosen Hamas, they would not be in this mess and it is futile to blame Israel as they haven’t controlled Gaza since 2005. Egypt also blocks their borders, too, but I hear no criticism on that. Now it has someone else to blame for Palestinian issues. Buy it here:  Only their interests keep them shirt ​​​​​​​

Never underestimate an old man with a Tennis Racket shirt

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 Chaoimh Ní Susan Yes I know he said something like this long ago. He did express an opinion and it is one sentence out of a three hours show. He also said that everybody should make up their own minds and I am not a doctor so do not listen to me for medical advise. The problem for many with Joe Rogan is that he is bigger than the MSM put together.. MSM do all they can to take him down because they want the exclusive right to control the narrative. Typical example was when Rogan got Covid. He got a coctail of medication from his doctor and it included Ivermectin.  Buy it here: Never underestimate an old man with a Tennis Racket shirt

Spikes and Mittsy paper company Inc shirt

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 I have no evidence, but I think most fans of Joni Mitchell are baby boomers. Look how you all are talking to me. We Gen Xers do not go after people like what you see here on this thread. We just don't. Knock yourself out. If you are not a boomer, I apologize for assuming you were.The problem with Robert Malone is that he’s a disgruntled maverick in a very technical field full of brilliant minds, of which many are former colleagues who have fallen out with him. He also is a brilliant mind, or was in his early 20s, less so now, but he does not play well with others in a field where being able to do so is crucial to success.  Buy it here:  Spikes and Mittsy paper company Inc shirt

Just a girl who love Celine Dion signature shirt

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  You're right In saying it's a small study and if you read the article it said a larger study is being conducted but it only takes reading through the comments of people's personal experiences to realise it more than likely is caused by covid. FYI covid works much in the same way as cancer does it enters the system, takes over healthy cells and then multiplies. Eventually some of the healthy cells die. I was hospitalised along with my mother laye October when we got covid and our oxygen levels dropped to low 60s my oxygen dropped to 60% by the time the ambulance crew came to collect me.  Buy it here:  Just a girl who love Celine Dion signature shirt

Love of my life Laura Pausini May 16 1974 signature shirt

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 Boris and many others have tried to get her free, you have no idea how much diplomatic effort has been invested in this but your cheap shot demeans this initiative to defuse the tensions on the Ukraine border. Oh great let's send the UK's no.1 goofball over to sort it all out with his unkempt demeanor and maybe he'll be able to elbow pump and joke his way to a stand down by Russia. Given his record as foreign minister we can all be reassured by his amazing competence. As he has nil negotiating skills which he proved in his Brexit deal it will be a waste of public money.  Buy it here:  Love of my life Laura Pausini May 16 1974 signature shirt ​​​​​​​

Mariska Hargitay Olivia Benson Law and Order special victims unit photo shirt

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 Let's all stop blaming the cyclist blame the ammount of we in cars and wagons ect there are to many of us for the cycling clean air folk to get past .quite honestly riding your bike. like I. and so many of my friends did was a great out door clean air day out after a weeks work inside.. that we were able and had to walk to .let's take care of everyone. Interesting range of comments here! I always believed there should be a "DVLA" type department for Cycles. Registration of cycle and cyclist, given on cycling proficiency highway code testing and payment a small annual fee (not tax). Buy it here:  Mariska Hargitay Olivia Benson Law and Order special victims unit photo shirt

Love of my life Simon Baker great actor 2023 shirt

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 He is a dictator and his "concerns" are trying to put totalitarians, that will bow to him, in charge. . We know of the killings and the wars and distabilizations of countries done by America with the help of EU. You can begin by watching WikiLeaks publications and then read about Libya, Syria, Iraq and many others who are victims of the saints of the west. Yes of course and the USA invade countries they say have WMD and we still have not found them. Poke your nose into countries business you have no right to be in. Buy it here:  Love of my life Simon Baker great actor 2023 shirt

Mads Mikkelsen photo shirt

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 The West is expressing its frustration over Russia's meddling in foreign elections and politics; effing around with the Internet, and apparent encouragement of hackers; attempted and successful assassinations in other countries, etc. Russia has been seen as a pest to other countries. Maybe the next generation of Russian leaders won't be Cold War driven. This President Zelenski and Biden have an issue, forever arguing. Biden was pally ( because of his son) with Poroshenko, Zelenski’s arch rival.  Buy it here:  Mads Mikkelsen photo shirt

From Ashes to New Blackout photo shirt

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 On the other hand, IT degrees pay well and sometimes you don’t even need one. My friends son, has secured an IT job after achieving good A levels and within 2 years he’s reached £35k salary. which is why at sixty five I'm quite happy with my minimum wage cleaning job . My daughter is always telling me to get a better job . My answer is always why ? She trained two years to do a job that she gets twenty pence more for an hour . I go in do my job , take the money each week , no responsibility no hassles . Buy it here:  From Ashes to New Blackout photo shirt

Official live Pantera 101 proof No 5 pure against the grain American metal shirt

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 You are right, it is none of my business, but until it is addressed India will be viewed by me and the rest of the world as one of the largest richest backward countries in the world! You don’t seem to mind making economic gain from the caste system, earning off the backs of the poor and helpless whose lives are full of hopelessness (that is how economics work isn’t it?). Oh and by the way, it doesn’t appear that the super rich of India are spending their money in India either! How very British of them!  Buy it here:  Official live Pantera 101 proof No 5 pure against the grain American metal shirt

Probably made love or war in your country shirt

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 Yep, agree that if you’re irresponsible with your cycling habits, ie no lights etc, if caught, you should be punished. No law Re helmets in the UK, therefore a personal choice. I choose to wear one, I’m undecided where I stand with helmets being mandatory. I’ve used on occasion a Beryl Bike, local ‘Hire as you ride service’ a spur of the moment decision and therefore didn’t have a helmet. However used cycle route lanes for as much of the journey as practical. Buy it here:  Probably made love or war in your country shirt

Is it on Game Pass shirt

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 One way of using a bike doesn't work for all. By the way, in rural areas there are rarely footpaths let alone cycle lanes! It’s still a cycle lane. Like l stated earlier it’s highly unlikely that any child under 11 will not be on the road. Suggest you complain to your council if your cycle lane is full of debris. But I’d make sure you read your rules in the Highway Code! While cyclists have never been obligated to use cycle lanes, the updated Highway Code simplifies the language around the use of bike lanes.  Buy it here:  Is it on Game Pass shirt  

My Cardinal Romance bird shirt

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 Niall Charles the sheeple were fed lies and empty promises and didn’t have the intelligence to see through it. Where are they now? Defending BoZo’s “innocence” in all of this? Telling everyone he’s a jolly good chap despite his lack of understanding of what a party is? Kate Targett-Wilson all parties are the same, I don't trust a single one of them. Non of them have any idea how many people live day to day, working paying bills and raising a family. They are all out of touch with how us normal people live, the whole lot of them. Gonzo David Snowdon they are, all rich snobs with their noses in the troff. I have no time or respect for any of them .you know when a politician is lieing , its no sooner they open their mouths.  Buy it here:  My Cardinal Romance bird shirt

Nationals Commanders Wizards Capitals Washington Sports Teams logo shirt

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 Its authoritarianism commits human rights violations against political dissidents, journalist , opposition and LGTBQ ... Despite that the free world hasn't messed with them, they're paranoid, NATO can expand all they want because it's about what countries wish to be free democratic , Ukraine is entitled to that. I think Boris and our troops should have a week or two off to spend with his/their families. We should instead, round up all the Mp's and 'witch hunters' who are gunning for Boris's downfall, and stick them on a plane to go negotiate with President Vladimir Putin and visit eastern Europe in the coming days to step up the UK's diplomatic efforts to resolve the Ukraine border crisis.  Buy it here:  Nationals Commanders Wizards Capitals Washington Sports Teams logo shirt ​​​​​​​