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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2022

I wish a Karen would shirt

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  Too true I was married to a Rumanian her mother went mad at group of them in Oxford street who were discussing where they were going to steal from next. When she berated them in Rumanian they all ran in different directions. WhenI married her daughter in Florence a group of Roma children, about fifteen of them attempted to rob us on the way to the service! I can’t believe the hatred and discrimination against the Roma community. Just like every community on Earth you’re going to get nut jobs and you get good people too. Just because some Roma people abuse the system, doesn’t mean they all do.  Buy it here:  I wish a Karen would shirt

Monkey Cowboys photo shirt

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 My mum used to work in a job center in Bulgaria and they were quite picky of what job they want to do, making problems if their benefits are not paid in time and refusing the jobs they’ve been offered! If they really want to live in a nice and clean environment they can work together and make it look better, but the easiest thing is to complain and blame everyone else! They steal metal, cars, money, they steal electricity and build illegal houses and at the end of the day it’s never their fault! I don’t even understand who makes all these videos about them and the way they live? Why do they have to portray Bulgaria the way they do? Buy it here:  Monkey Cowboys photo shirt ​​​​​​​

Mickey’s not so scary Halloween party 2022 shirt

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  Unfortunately the majority of Roma kids in Bulgaria go to school for few years (if they go at all) and then they are stopped by their parents either to marry and have kids or work (to steal ,beg etc.) . There are exceptions of course. Many of the Roma community chose to live this way. The documentary is not very factual. They should go and shoot block flats brand new given to Roma after a year what it looks like there. There are many of them living in proper houses. Sorry BBC your documentary is very bias and tends to outline a negative image of Bulgaria. There is no discrimination there, BBC, as is not in Romania.  Buy it here:  Mickey’s not so scary Halloween party 2022 shirt

Listening to Lemon Demon at a Sensible Volume shirt

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 Kevin O Neill, sorry, but it's every persons right to decide if they want to have the vaccine or not. I have seen some people sail through their vaccines, no problem whatsoever. I have also seen others who have had serious reactions to theirs. Two of whom I know personally and who ended up in hospital. They both now have ongoing health issues and one ended up with an extremely bad case of covid anyway. Your body, your choice. Kevin O Neill I agree that volunteers shouldn't go into care homes if family can't visit. However it is a personal choice whether someone has the vaccine. If you read the government reports it confirms the vaccine does not stop a person spreading the virus. The court of Human Rights has stated that it will not be mandatory. And it will be illegal to discriminate against those who choose not to have it. Buy it here:  Listening to Lemon Demon at a Sensible Volume shirt

Jason Voorhees I don’t always CH CH CH but when I do I ah ah ah Halloween shirt

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  Also, I strongly doubt that “a lot” of care home staff are vax refusers as (1) it is widely accepted that the NHS and care homes have very strong legal cases for a mandatory requirement that their staff vaccinate (unless allergy/other conditions hold), and (2) such staff who don’t vaccinate know they will have a very high risk of catching the virus while at work. I guess your first part of the comment has some value but understand the volunteers are checked regularly part of a scheme!! But your second half of the comment is called discrimination!! You can not sack someone or make them go on furlough because they refuse the vaccine which noone is allowed to do!! Any vaccine is not mandatory its optional! Your ignorant conviction is shocking. A vaccine should always be a choice. Buy it here:  Jason Voorhees I don’t always CH CH CH but when I do I ah ah ah Halloween shirt

John Carpenter The Thing Horror Halloween shirt

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 Tom Thompson the money is borrowed. The UK is billions I debt . And you want them to borrow more and have us tax payers pay even more to get everybody a pay rise when ATM they can manage on what they've got.. now for people who are starving that's a different matter. And for furlough the same it has to be borrowed but not for pay rises. Don't get me wrong once it's back up and running and no money needs to be borrowed I'm all for the NHS and anyone who needs a pay rise to get one. Blimey, you're all me, me, and what about me. What happened to we all in this together? A few vaccines show up, and it's like everyone wants it now. The majority of the country will be vaccinated, over 20% have already had a vaccine. Each person getting a vaccine reduces the risk for themselves and everyone they come in to contact with.  Buy it here:  John Carpenter The Thing Horror Halloween shirt

People say I can’t multitask but I can piss you off and amuse myself at the same time shirt

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   it varies from state to state of course. Drivers there ride in the fast lane, no matter their speed, pass on the right, and think everything is a competition. There are almost never any kinds of penalties for breaking basic rules and courtesies of the road. Watching a video like this doesn’t surprise me at all. Scott Fuller, because the country is huge and does not have the infrastructure for it. Highways are in all kinds of shapes and need work plus modernization plus, everyone here is in a hurry and people drive like crazy. Follow too close and are unable to stop on time, not to mention the black ice which one cannot see until you are flying and have no control. Scott Fuller it was on the news the night before. I was watching because my husband works near Dallas, and this is the time he would've been coming home.  Buy it here:  People say I can’t multitask but I can piss you off and amuse myself at the same time shirt

Play like your fake Girlfriend died today shirt

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 Not if the Russians were particularly strong or clever (in 1812 Russian army was much weaker than French and was heavily defeated number of times; in 1941 Germans nearly crushed USSR in a matter of few months - and would’ve won if it was their only enemy). It’s mere vastness, coldness and wildness of Russia conquered them. Poor French and German soldiers - they were pawns in the hands of ruthless politics. My father was attached to a Polish fighter squadron in World War 2.He said they were the bravest ,(and maddest) men he ever encountered.They hated the Germans with a passion.The Russians may have no regard for the Poles but in this country we have the highest respect. This is to serve as a reminder to all the brutally of war....never never attempt any war or engage in it cause nobody win in the end...all will suffer from the devastating effects...the ego of the lunatic rulers were served with the blood of so many of it's citizens that worthlessly placed their life on the battlef...

Make me want a Hot Dog real bad shirt

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  Therefore he set out to raise £1,000 for NHS related charities. There are many such charities. Not the actual NHS. We all know what happened next. He wanted to "do his bit", just as he did during WW2. Your post actually belittles what he achieved. The total raised, almost 39 million pounds, is not actually the point. What he did, and his reason for doing it is the point. The money is a sensational bonus. I just knew, when I saw this article, that someboby would take a negative attitude. Because it’s fact that it not just government but all before it as well. It’s the fact that there are managers for managers because of society’s need to hold the organisation responsible when things don’t go the way they wanted. It’s the facts that more money is spent treating those that act in a way to create their own ill health.  Buy it here:  Make me want a Hot Dog real bad shirt

I’m a Vessel willing to be used by God shirt

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 So for the people saying they don't catch it severely, no children have died.... Just stop and read actual figures and facts before you comment! They do get it, they can get it severely, many have died or developed serious post covid complications, and they definitely spread it. These are all the reasons they are looking to vaccinate them too, just like they do polio, flu, mmr and everything else! If you don't want your child to be vaccinated or take part in trials then fair enough, but make your decision on actual facts about covid and the vaccination and not the rubbish, uninformed ignorance you read on here! More asininity. This is what happens when people don't even study what the heck is in the commie cocktail (covid19) and how children can't get it, and why those with healthy immune systems do the more poor and those with immature systems do well. it's just unreal. Bill Gates, my friends.  Buy it here:  I’m a Vessel willing to be used by God shirt

Hootin and Hollerin on the outside I’m Hootin’ on the inside I’m Hollerin’ shirt

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  Leave it to the scientists who have spent their whole lives working for our health benefits, instead of spreading fear and false information to the uninformed. Michelle Brown all over vaccines dont make you sign a disclaimer to say that if anything goes wrong you can't hold the government and the manufacturer responsible!! the government has a vaccine compensation fund for when vaccines go wrong so why is the covid vaccine not being covered by it? Yes,because the 1.4 billion dollars the couple made for selling their cancer "vaccine" should make billions more by having it tested on children who created the COVID vaccine. But no ,no...hand your children over to be guinea pigs for those who make billions. Kath Annie Battisson No, they didn’t actually. Thalidomide was never tested on pregnant women and was not designed to be used for morning sickness. It was used off-label without testing.  Buy it here:  Hootin and Hollerin on the outside I’m Hootin’ on the inside I’m Holle...

Obama and Biden die for this Hellcat American flag shirt

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  How do we recycle the power packs is another issue, currently there is no way which is beneficial to the environment. Please have a go but don't expect a reply. All Ray's and sharks are at threat of extinction. They get caught in fishing nets and there needs to be more regulation in this regard. Not to mention millions are caught and have their fins cut off and then tossed back in the water for soup for the chinese market. The environment is in a very sad state. If the ray named Hedge trimmer is on the verge of extinction it is the duty of the humans to protect and preserve it ,The saw fish is typical specimen of ray fish which has saw like mouth ,The hunting ,the fishing of such type should be banned , Buy it here:  Obama and Biden die for this Hellcat American flag shirt

Nitrous is like a hooker you want to hit it but you know there will be consequences shirt

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 This has been brought on by years of the government privatizing services and also not keeping up with the newest technology. So shame on us. We as a country are to blame and not just the current government. It’s not our (Canada’s) fault in regards to Phizer delivery issues. Blame the manufacturer. They have cut our supply, even though we have paid. Also, our numbers are much lower than the UK and the US as we stayed steady with our guidelines unlike the UK and the US who were all over the place....lockdown here, open here, lockdown, open etc etc etc. We stayed the course and did our closures to start, then slowly reopened certain things. When numbers slightly went up, our health officials, not politicians, put new guidelines in place, where the issues were.....large gatherings, funerals, weddings, multi generational families, adult sports. We at least get to shop, go to pubs, restaurants, ski but only with immediate household members.  Buy it here:  Nitrous is like a hoo...

The Starter Pokemon abbey road shirt

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 When homeschoolers tried making some suggestions or give ideas to improve the situation, they were oftentimes ridiculed for being out of touch with reality and overly privileged. Nevermind that many of us homeschooler parents do work and are not independently wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. There are many parents who have their minds made up and do not want to alter their paths, even if it were to benefit their child's education under the circumstances. It's unfortunate, but most still do not respect the ideas that homeschoolers have. When my daughter was trick or treating, she came across a boy her age and they began running together from house to house, for a couple blocks, they kept a soc distance and both wore masks and played nice.  Buy it here:  The Starter Pokemon abbey road shirt

Husband and Wife Camping Partners for life shirt

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 ou’re barking up the wrong tree, bro-ski.”! Look into the production of electric cars and their batteries and its far from an environmentally process. Alternatives have to be used admittedly but the governments proposals are just too early as the infrastructure just isn't there to make owning and running an electric vehicle viable. Also at the minute they are far too expensive but I'd imagine they will get cheaper in years to come. and what people are forgetting about is electric has a big carbon footprint! and you all worrying about petrol and diesel cars etc what about nuclear power plants? they are the worst compared to petrol and diesel cars. so many crackeds about! all of these do gooders coming out of uni thinking they know it all! How are nuclear power plants worse? Technically they are carbon neutral as they don't actually burn fossil fuels.  Buy it here:  Husband and Wife Camping Partners for life shirt ​​​​​​​

Little miss love Halloween shirt

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 The government needs to do all it can to encourage a nation-wide hydrogen refuelling network, offer tax incentives or rebates etc. Ian Purnell respectfully, electric cars are ready now for a good majority of people. Yes, they're not ideal for 250+ mile journeys without needing to stop for a coffee and a 30min fast charge, and there are difficulties for people living in flats/high-rise city buildings. But, for most semi-rural/rural homes where home charge points are a possibility for overnight charges they're absolutely fine, if not an improvement. Ryan Bissell I agree, when you have maybe 50+ families living in high rise blocks, where are they going to fit all those charging points? What happens on a freezing winter's night when a traffic accident causes a hold up on a motorway and people are stuck with lights and heaters on for hours, and batteries run flat? Sorry, not for me yet.  Buy it here:  Little miss love Halloween shirt

God created Norwegians and then said UFF DA shirt

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  Is everyone just pronouncing the French word Parler with an English accent or is it supposed to be pronounced like the French word ‘Parler’? I agree it’s nice to not have to suffer the ignorance of this cult on mainstream platforms but is creating a louder echo chamber for them really such a good idea. Hopefully the FBI will monitor this group closely and we can avoid a repeat of the attack on the capital or worse. Free speech, fine. But the second these brainwashed people call for violence we will need to act swiftly. Terrorism, treason should be harsh penalties, not this “awe shucks just some good ole boys having a little fun bs” I’m sorry but Parler was an echo chamber for what happened Jan. 6th. We need to reign in social media and stop misinformation and disinformation. And we need to boost education to our kids. Buy it here:  God created Norwegians and then said UFF DA shirt

Mohamed Salah you’ll never walk alone shirt

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 Not gonna lie watching anime my entire life tells me that Japanese women aren't treated very well culturally speaking that, the rampant rape culture and history of glorifying suicide no wonder a pandemic pushed a few people over the edge I hope they get this sorted out mental health is seriously overlooked all over the world. My opinion about this matter.. Is what your belief and how do you perceive life.. What's important to you and what's not. Your purpose of life... Contentment of any situation is the key.. But the heart find contentment only in the remembrance of God.. I see people living in unimaginable circumstances and still have hope and belief that someday things will change even if their is little hope. Think about those living in poor countries and in war zones.. They do everything possible to live and keep living.. I have heard lot of Celebrities and people whose life ain't that mess up taking their own life. Buy it here:  Mohamed Salah you’ll never walk al...

Marvel Ladies get information shirt

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  This was down to Jeremy Hunt and our wonderful Tory governments. The cost set against what the pandemic has cost was minuscule and the death rate would almost certainly have been far lower. Johnson approved of all the steps which have got us into this mess. Lynn Knowler Whether anyone else would have made as big a mess is pure guesswork and opinion. WE KNOW how big a mess he's made, which has been compounded by the knowledge of of the mismanagement of taxpayers money for payments for unsuitable equipment particularly those involving "middle men" who provided no real service. ?? backhanders, payment to offshore accounts. Lynn Knowler he certainly hasn't done a good job, failed to lockdown once it was clear the virus was spreading rapidly in late February and allowed Brits and others into the country without any checks.  Buy it here:  Marvel Ladies get information shirt

IYO Sky Lost In the Sky shirt

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 Homes disappeared in an instant and evacuations to places never heard of were the only source of finding a place to live. The children who were without regular schooling adjusted to regular studies after school became available and grew up to be teachers, scientists, doctors , nurses , lawyers. How many kids have died of Covid? Very very few. I find it a bit much saying Ide rather deal with my kids loss of education than plan there funeral. There is very little chance of a child dying of this. Are we going to keep them at home incase they get run over by a bus on the way to school? Fact is there are a lot of things out there that can kill your child. Accidents happen all the time when kids are out playing so should we keep them in? Buy it here:  IYO Sky Lost In the Sky shirt

Capt David master baiter specializing in jerking my bait wiggling my worm bending my rod shirt

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 Janet Walsh I live where we often have power cuts and are susceptible to hurricanes and tropical storms june to November each year..We have rechargeable battery lights and radio..use the car phone charger. I always keep severl 5 litre plastic bottles full of water for emergencies and try to keep a decent stock of dried and tinned basic goods.we do cook using gas bottles..it took me a long time to get used to though. Hopefully power and more normal temperature resumes asap. Janet Walsh Texas is great. I’ve seen neighbors help neighbors through this. I’ve seen local businesses hand out food. Not many houses built have fireplaces, if they do it’s gas.  Buy it here:  Capt David master baiter specializing in jerking my bait wiggling my worm bending my rod shirt ​​​​​​​