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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

Wakanda forever Rip Chadwick Boseman shirt

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We live in a much, much larger, far more diverse city than Portland, and we’re having no riots or lootings. Tell it as it is. Way to go Mayor. Trump is a failure and dangerous. Doesn’t understand our Republic. Vote this nightmare out in November sad Mr. Mayor. You just said All these things about Trump which is trueTrump called the Mayor a “ fool”. Why does he insult people? What President does that? Just here for the clueless comments of the Zombies. You are correct! The President is not helping at all. This mayor is not playing with Trump. Foolish mayor. He wants to see his city burn so that he can read his worthless speeches blaming others. This Trump's America. He created this divisiveness since the day he took office. I don't know how the f*ck an MF would think another 4 years of his BS would make it any better. "Deplorables" type sh*t. It is produced by Soros. It is not Trump's fault. Get the real culprit, which is Soros. Buy it here:  Wakanda forever Rip ...

I’m the grandma witch it’s like a normal grandma but more Magical Halloween shirt

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It will not end until every institution is burned to the ground. As Portland burns, Trump gets votes. Senseless property destruction helps Trump. Doesn't everyone see this? Its actually you, the media but OK. Biden, he no longer knows where or who this man really is! you have to be crazy to put him in a presidency. The ole switch and bate game. We get it. The bad guys try to look like the good guys but really everyone knows what is going on no matter how you try to spin it! And he will continue to sow hate and fear until someone goes into the people's White House and drags his fat, sorry body out of there. If he wins, it definitely will be rigged. He's the most hated man not only in America but all the other countries he's vilified. Annie Ramsden He’s so wrong, so very incorrect in his assumptions. We live in a much, much larger, far more diverse city than Portland, and we’re having no riots or lootings. Buy it here:  I’m the grandma witch it’s like a normal grandma b...

Black Girl Style Akatsuki Naruto shirt

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Both sides are trash but Democrats are bias w double standards and hypocrisy. Never blue, no matter who! Could someone share the link to CNN’s fact check of the DNC? I’ve been looking and asking for days. LMAO! A less than 2-minute video where the guy starts out saying there weren’t a lot of facts to check! They only put this up to look like they were being fair. just like trump, excuses and lies are what your entire party is all about. First false claim of bias, they reported Democrats Fact Check the same day just not real-time. The Republicans Convention had more fact checks (lies) on its first night than the entire 4 days of the Democratic Convention. We were on pins and needles waiting for CNN’s “fact-checkers!” NO ONE EVER I listen to the candidates and make up my own mind. I don’t need some network to tell me what to think about anyone. Buy it here:  Black Girl Style Akatsuki Naruto shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Store

Wreck everyone and leave shirt

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They didn't turn it in for 3 years and are trying to say it was because of the pandemic. like I said. It should have been revoked because they didn't file. But, it was not for the reasons that are implied. Gilbert M. Rodriguez how exactly did he help y'all? He refused aid to y'all twice oh wait. I remember he chucked a few paper towels at y'all talk about sleeping with the enemy! CNN gave you all the info you are now claiming the hid from you, Cletus I never said anything was hidden. Where did I state that? I said the tax-exempt status wasn't revoked for the reasons that were implied or insinuated. Can you help me understand what you are referring to? your statement paints a picture that CNN hid information and thus you claiming they painted a picture of something else see how that works? no, instated the headline was insinuating things that were not the facts, as to why it was revoked. I just want facts. As we all should. Buy it here:  Wreck everyone and leav...

A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs skiing shirt

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 If you want more of this put in the White House someone like Sleepy Joe that obviously does not care about this and a party that HATES the police and accuse the COPS of being the PROBLEM of this nation! NEVER BIDEN! Some of these people need to wake up to the reality that they are being used as political baits -Maybe he did get his notice in the mail sent by the United States postal service The IRS IS FRAUD your birth certificate is nothing more than a bond, and your SSN number is a receipt. Its none of your business what his taxes are anymore then it's my business what all of yours are Kevin S Fitzpatrick. Chris Floyd Rhonda Welk I’m Latino and I will vote for Trump in November. My entire family is Republican and we came here from Puerto Rico and please don’t tell me Trump hates us because we aren’t buying that. He helped the island after the hurricanes and we are tired of you people telling us how to feel. Buy it here:  A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs ...

Je ne suis pas alcoolique je subis les invitations shirt

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 Trump said it's only one person, so why is it 180k deaths, we were supposed to be 2 steps ahead of this virus, but this POS got us 5 steps behind! China has it's right to act and we have our right to act. What is Chinese territory and birthright land and what is not should be the object of negotiation? There is also the matter of Taiwan, it's unpopular to say but it is by birthright Chinese land/"We can't have a situation where things are going on as they are today." - words from the incumbent president last night. And he is right! That is exactly the reason as to why this incumbent president has to go. He just admitted it during his speech last night. Let’s kick that guy out of the Oval Office. This is disgusting. If your child needs to talk to someone a good Psychologist or Social Worker or Counselor is better for them. It's very much real and can be helpful when have no one to talk too at a particular moment. This is madness I better talk to myself. ...

Proud blue collar American shirt

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 But wait, wasn’t it the Democrats touting that China would rather have Biden in office? Still doing the “shift the narrative” style of reporting I see. so you didn’t like it when America reset its trade deals with China, an economic rival? Hmm. Weird. Trump claims to support local manufacturers while in reality, his companies manufacture everything in China, to this date, including that campaign hat on his head. Weird. While Joe was on CNN, Biden Confuses Jacob Blake With Teen Who Shot at Rioters! Joe Biden says Trump and allies are 'rooting for violence' Joe seems to forget that it is democrat cities where all of the protest, looting, burning, and killings are! Beijing isn't a scapegoat Beijing is the culprit. The coronavirus is the fault of the Chinese government. I'm not a Trump supporter. He is correct in China. That country can go to Hell. To quote Trump: "China, are ya listening." Russia isn't the only one who can interfere with US elections! Buy ...

Never underestimate a cat lady with a nursing degree shirt

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Cops ate lucky he lived! I wish the facts on both sides where revealed first before CNN points fingers and gets the audience in an uproar. black people don't deserve to die. Dylan Roof killed 8 people. He was taken to McDonald's before he was taken to jail. There you go. But people don't want the truth. That woman's life matters too. why are you so misinformed but talking like it’s facts? The police have already said there’s no knife found and he came broke up a fight and picked up one of his sons they shot him in front of. Why don’t you let the real investigators investigate and stop trying to be Nancy Drew and unless He produces one, it still does not justify shooting a man in the back seven times. He didn't even get an opportunity to turn around. Therefore, the Police jumped to a conclusion that was wrong and needs to be prosecuted for his error. Buy it here:  Never underestimate a cat lady with a nursing degree shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Trending Shirt  ...

Dolphins So long and thanks for all the fish vintage shirt

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You should be the last person to deride someone based on looks Yeah she’s a guy it is what it is you have no room to comment on anyone’s looks. STFU if you’re stuck on her saying genocide and fail to see the bigger picture. Shame on you. I love how people are still trying to justify what happened. Apparently being shot seven times in the back doesn’t say anything about how badly police training sucks. Police need to be able to emotionally detach themselves from these situations and think rationally. I think it’s easy to say how they should behave- not so easy to walk in their shoes. It's weird the bystanders were screaming no and stop as he got up and walked to the driver's side door. Like they understood the danger the suspect was placing himself in more than he did. Almost as if they have seen this b movie over and over and knew this is where the police kill the criminal that doesn't follow commands. Buy it here:  Dolphins So long and thanks for all the fish vintage shi...

The Broncos 60th anniversary 1960 2020 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

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Jill Torres, I can't keep track of who’s a demand who GOP anymore. I think there is no right v left anymore it is Trump and the oligarchs against the rest He's a Rebuke, but nice try! In 2010, Cohen briefly campaigned for a seat in the New York State Senate. He was a registered Democrat until he officially registered as a Republican on March 9, 2017. Never left his old ways. You just didn't care how dirty he has always been. He lied about his ways but never did he change ways. If had some decency he would not be in this mess. Now he is taking everyone down with him. Are you talking about Clinton? Know he is scum, but not sure how he figures on here You are the anti-American! Take off your blinders and step away from your orange fuhrer! you’re implying trump puts Jews in gas chambers. Do you have any clue how embarrassing you are? Ohh you’re a Democrat, you don’t! Again very very sad! Praying for you to find a brain! Buy it here:  The Broncos 60th anniversary 1960 2020 sig...

That’s what I do I drink I grill and I know things BBQ beer vintage shirt

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 I would be sitting IN my home with my gun in case I NEEDED to protect myself or my family if I was frightened. These two are drama king and queen of the year. Ridiculous and frightening that they are gun owners- Absolutely. Owning firearms includes the responsibility to know how, when, and where it is acceptable to brandish or use them. 100% agree I’ve always thought anybody displaying a weapon becomes the first target to take. this is one subject I hope they do not speak on until getting trained up. Maybe they will wear those same outfits, pink polo shirt and striped shirt with mustard stains! Difficult to understand DNC/Biden no mention of rioting & looting or destruction of property & lives at the convention. Very disappointing. Seems telling.Will be surprised if the violence & chaos our nation has experienced is NOT mentioned at RNC. Hope so.Traci Kuhn if you ain’t indicted, you ain’t invited. Buy it here:  That’s what I do I drink I grill and I know things...

The Solos Family Portrait shirt

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Hope so. That's great! Having people who are out on bail speaking for the president. They fit right in with his "crowd." I keep asking people what they like about trump and all I get is crickets. WTF Kinda like they Dems have spoken at all these riots huh. I heard on the news not long ago that charges were dropped for that couple. Owen Blankenship, The report just came out on Thursday from the Senate judiciary committee. Maybe you should look it up. It's disgusting and go crawl back under your rock. The republicans found this out. Now leave me alone. Boom The republicans said Russia interfered, did you read the report? I did Brad Aronhalt don't forget the alt-right being bussed in. I don't support rioting or violence by any means. I'm opposed to the current state of Portland. Fyi charges about the couple, really? What about the Bannon and Russia confirmation? You guys are sick. don’t know what that has to do with this conversation. Buy it here:  The So...

Some girls go camping and drink too much it’s me I’m some girls Halloween shirt

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So instead of supporting the integrity of democracy, the President is actively sabotaging the postal system with no regard for the businesses and citizens that are being harmed in the process. mail order businesses. Farms and ranches. Veterans are disabled and elderly. Those are the ones being harmed butt if everybody go vote in person. There is no problem? Who is counting the votes than in 1 night? Answer this? How did the US post office handle mail-in taxes for nearly a century before it went online? How do they not have any problems taking census forms every 10 years? Mail-in voting is not a burden unless you try to make it one, and your president is doing everything he can to try to make it a burden. If we have complications, it'll be on him. people who rely on mailed prescriptions are harmed. A lot of insurance companies encourage this because it is cheaper than going to a pharmacy. You are doing harm to them. Buy it here:  Some girls go camping and drink too much it’s me ...

When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam may luck be yours on halloween shirt

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 It was Hillary Clinton and U.S. intelligence officials who worked with Russians and others to entrap Trump. who you trying to convince yourself. Russia is part of trumps team. Bought and paid for by Putin. How will this misconduct be avoided in this election? Trump cannot be trusted, he's a con manDeirdre HartmannY’all mad cause you can’t beat him so you rely on fake news, riots, and chaos, and now the post office. Keep trying. John PaulAnd yet his cultists still deny that chump worked with Russia. Denial is strong in that group.Sharon Goodwin as is lack of education Just one time would I like to check CNN's page without the first thing being Russia and Trump be fair in your reporting and report Facts on both parties so that we may make informed decisions. Or If you just going to print/produce opinion articles don’t pretend to be news.The very same media Trump enjoyed during the decades for his habitual self-promotion to the point of using fictitious names trying for more pres...

A woman cannot survive on books alone she also needs Cat Halloween shirt

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Joel Adu-Poku it's called "new." A "new" report that was made with the help of republicans. Feel free to ignore it like you have everything else.The GOP self-owned with that senate investigation. Their only defense now: Trump and his transition team were naive and duped by Russian operatives. At least they have cities. I live in a twin city. One side dem and one side GOP. Neither of us is having an issue. Just like 99.9% of American cities. Interestingly, your argument is Dems have cities which are dumpster fires, that’s why home buying went up. People moving out Houston, TX is a democrat city. It is growing. Same as most cities in the US. Our populations have been growing at about 10% every 10 years.Will most likely be next year. We will see in November. That is how it works. agreed, I got a feeling fewer people like rioting and looting than Dems think do Most everyone I know is not in favor of rioting. Regardless of the party. Buy it here:  A woman cannot ...

Vintage 86 45 2020 shirt

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They hid it from November to January. Until the bigwigs, Biden and Hunter's buddy Xi, found out when a now conveniently deceased Chinese doctor blew the whistle. But let's blame Trump. Cnn/liberal logic. It’s not like you haven’t been told this for months. CNN has a problem reporting facts they can’t spin. The same people that paid Antifa and BLM are hiring people to claim to be members of Q so that they can create a false flag and blame Qanon. Watch the movie play out everyone knows that China kept it a secret for months. you're 6 months late on that it's time for the international community to demand an independent investigation into the Wuhan institute of virology and the origin of the virus. Finally, the Cartoon News Network shows some truth. 76% of Americans blame China for the virus. 24% is the far left whack jobs that Blame The President. This is Proof of whack jobs. Come November 4 we’ll be seeing a lot of You Don Ross according to lying crybaby in Chief, it...

The Dukes of Hazzard 41st anniversary 1979 2020 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

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And this woman slept with a black man to get power, and married a white man to keep power, I don't believe anything she has to say, I am jumping on the Trump train am DEEPLY OFFENDED by the rhetoric that America is racist. It is NOT. That we are all racists. We are NOT. That our amazing children are racist. They are NOT. It can't be farther from the truth. It is outrageous to insinuate it. It is my PROTEST. They need to STOP. Kamala, why didn’t your running mate address this when he was in office for 8 years? Better yet, why 3 years AFTER he left office Ratio of laughs and angry faces to likes at this time foreshadows things to come. Has anyone noticed that when it's an election year the Democrat party calls everyone that doesn't agree with them racist? Biden and Kalama are focused on giving free fish to all! Trump and Pence teach America how to fish! America is great today and will be even greater! TRUMP & PENCE 2020! Buy it here:  The Dukes of Hazzard 41st ann...

Nirvana I’m so ugly but that’s okay cause so are you signatures shirt

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Election fraud, unfounded impeachment, Horrible treatment of two Supreme Court Nominees (by Harris no less), Misandry, Racism, Riots, Looting, Arson, Rape, and Murder. Americans have had to arm themselves against BLM and LGBTQ ANTIFA mobs to protect themselves in their own homes. Democrats have become Israel’s Palestinians. I completely despise trump so we are on the same page! I love that you used fail Repub logic. Warms my heart. We agree trump is an idiot but you are only smart enough to post memes and you can't spell? Poor things better get back to work. Pelosi doesn't give 2 shits about you. Just be thankful President Trump took charge and did their job for them or you wouldn't be getting anything at all. They did the minimal. remember all the millionaires and billionaires who had access to the stimulus loans now they're hoping herd immunity kicks in good luck on getting another stimulus. Buy it here:  Nirvana I’m so ugly but that’s okay cause so are you signatur...

Horror characters all monsters are human shirt

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Firoz Dudha Trump does not have to have anyone exciting. Trump and Pence are all we need to beat Democrat failure. We have been up for 5 years! no one is interested in seeing Hollywood celebrities! Just our last Great American President that truly loves the people and his country! TRUMP 2020Firoz Dudha's former means disgruntled. The real polls have Trump up 60% to 40%. Say ignorant of my friend's truth over facts. Oops, that was a Biden moment Hillary had a 90% chance of winning too Trump 2020Pence 2024and another thing, these polls leave out the silent majority. Cause I haven’t taken a poll, and probably everyone in my town and all the towns around me hasn’t taken a poll. I am betting trump is double what he was against Hillary Clinton in ‘16 sure your comment just measured your level of intellect. Buy it here:  Horror characters all monsters are human shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Best Store

The Temptations 60th anniversary 1960 2020 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

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 Yes, she is absolutely right. I can’t even imagine the United States being taken over completely by Trump, it is heartbreaking to watch even now. We all must vote and vote Biden Hannah Morgan. Maybe you haven't heard. But there are a few videos of Trump saying sexual things about his own Daughter. It's all on YouTube. What father does that? Trump has killed many children due to the unsanitary conditions in the cages he put them in, can see why, I wonder if she had a sex change, she has a lot of Man Features is so ironic, that not a word said about Trump and Woman or his Daughter, but when its brought out about Biden then they lash out with this. Sure, I want to share my personal identity with a bunch of whack jobs from non-Fake news you know whack job! Your messiah was frequently with Jeffrey Epstein but you deflect to some BS conspiracy theory. Buy it here:  The Temptations 60th anniversary 1960 2020 signatures thank you for the memories shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshi...

God made Rugby so football players could have heroes too vintage shirt

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 Not all students feel as she does and their lives matter just as much as hers. Can't place everybody in one neatly desired or preferred box. Life is a risk. Always has been and always will be. Disgusting an adult thinks it’s ok to bully a child. Trump's cult is truly vile. Also, the probability that she was given a choice is slim seeing that these many children were in schools it’s unlikely they had any other option. Persecuted for telling "her" truth, you are not the ones to say what is true or not. You can like what she's said but is for the court to determine the truth. If you have a Bitcoin wallet/coin pH you can earn money from a fast and reliable platform Mrs. Elvis kashiolo is a life change to contact her click on the link below Unbelievable there are more posts on here from 1 person spouting the bible and another selling bitcoins than posts relevant to the story CNN showing its TDS as always by adding Trump to every single story. Buy it here:  God made ...

And by ‘ K ‘ I mean fuck you shirt

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Millions of votes in days. Go vote in person and people quit complaining about fraud.My dad is a postal he just laughs. Also, they have been told to not talk about the issueJoeBiden is right, Trump knows mail-in voting is safe and secure. His postmaster is throwing sand in the works of USPS removing mailboxes and sorting machines. Protect seniors, veterans, deployed military! This has already proven to be rigged lmao. Why are you sharing fake news? Maybe research a little about it first. If you could go to Walmart or protest you could go vote! Shut up CNN!I will vote in person, if I need to wait in line I will wait to wear a mask and social distancing. Once I am in it will take all of 5 seconds to vote straight Democrat and hit the vote button but didn’t y’all just post a few weeks ago about the postal worker who stole primary ballots? Safety first not politics no matter what it is voting by mail 100%no fraud. Absentee is fine. Buy it here:  And by ‘ K ‘ I mean fuck you shirt Ho...

A bad day camping is still better than a good day at work shirt

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For once I actually agree with one of the things he has done Please educate yourself. He is requesting absentee voting which is what people do when they don't currently reside in the state that they are registered in. Much different than the government mailing out ballots to dead people he never said that. Voting by mail and absentee voting are two very different ways of voting. Gene White no they aren't, they both go through the mail. My state has done mail-in voting for twenty years. The whole state. The concept of absentee ballots works the same way, with less security by the way. Put a mask on and go vote in person, unless you truly need an absentee ballot. If you’re constantly masked up and spending 30-minute sessions at Costco, Walmart, and Target, then you can mask up and go vote at your local polling spot. Anyone can vote by mail as an absentee ballot. Buy it here:  A bad day camping is still better than a good day at work shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Top Shirt...

In my dream world Jeep parts are free coffee is healthy and offroading makes you thin shirt

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Don’t any Democratic women wear dresses? I guess pantsuits make them feel more powerful. Because most women find pantsuits much more comfortable. I know very few women who wear dresses at all, including myself. We don't care what people look like if they are helping Americans. Why do you? Shallow much? but I must remember. Unlike Mrs. Pastic surgery Trump, BLACK DONT CRACK! NO Plastic Surgery needed for Harris. was that supposed to be a joke? Was I supposed to laugh? I'm so sorry I didn't she is also gonna take Ebonics lessons do she can identify with her new identity. You must have a Degree from Harvard University to make a comment like that or let me guess. You're Jealous? Just asking a good idea who will be the moderator for the debates you know like they have given her the questions. Buy it here:   In my dream world Jeep parts are free coffee is healthy and offroading makes you thin shirt HomePage:   2020 Kuteshirt Store

The Clemson Tigers 125th anniversary 1896 2021 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

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 Well DA looks at what socialism does for some countries. If that’s what you want. Get the hell out of my country and go there DA what does the Constitution have to do with it? By all means please reference that Amendment. You're funny like a big, crabby baby! People are slowly waking up to the ignorance of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is becoming more irrelevant and ignorant by the day. I’m a registered Democrat and I voted for Hillary in 2016 this year I’m voting for Trump thx to the destruction caused by the BLM  now you see people, idiots like Tina will be the reason why I am voting for Trump haha man you guys got some mental issues Trump derangement syndrome? I didn't say anything but a cool story. Now you meant for yourself not angry just hilarious and idiotic of you to call me a Russian you don’t even know me, weirdo, you didn’t say anything? Buy it here:  The Clemson Tigers 125th anniversary 1896 2021 signatures thank you for the memories shirt HomeP...

On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt

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 Who will govern the United States? Where's Donald! Yeah, catastrophic and the end for America. We will all be learning Chinese and scrounging for food if that happens. While the Democrats live in mansions and give themselves a pay raise. Then tell us all that we are all equally miserable because of Trump. Socialism and being sold to China. It's pretty obvious where the Democrats want to lead us isn't that what Trump is doing right now? I'm perfectly happy with my Hard-earned Republican life, people like you just want people like me to be equally miserable with them. I'm sorry that you are blind and believe that Trump is pushing for socialism, please tell me you wear your helmet daily, I wouldn't want you to get hurt. Just an FYI to real people in the comments section, there are a lot of fake accounts here that exist only to gather more likes and reviews for CNN, other news channels use the same method as well. don't waste your time commenting on what they w...

Just the good Ol’ boys never meanin’ no harm beats all you never saw been in trouble with the law since the day they was born shirt

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The more interesting part is how did Neil get Daryl Hannah to marry him? Kudos to this man I'm glad he's doing this he's not the first one that is done this Trump just uses who's ever music he wants he doesn't bother to have anyone check to see if it's all right that's because he's the dictator of America and he can do what the hell he wants can make his own music with Melanie his wife. What's difficult in singing a song. A man who went into bankruptcy for 5 consecutive times can make a good noise. They should not use his music if he objects. Just another example of Trump thinking he is king. I always find it weird that Trump would use the song of a Canadian artist for his campaign. It’s been done before. Bruce Springsteen stopped Ronald Reagan from using Born in the USA. If you want to use a song, you need to ask permission and pay a royalty. It belongs to him not to be used for free and what he does not believe in. Buy it here:  Just the good Ol’...

Melanin African American shirt

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 My calling you a troll is accurate based on those comments. you are so right - and here we have 162K deaths in 6 months - COVID is the flu on steroids. Susan Neuberger Weller so every bar and dance hall should be sued also? I'm sorry but I'm one of the ignorant people that does not think someone should be suing someone based on their dislike for them or for any political reason because that's what this really is about not copyright infringement. if the song is part of the re-election campaign, the goal of using it is to win. He’s using it to gain profit for himself. To gain the position of president and the monetary benefits that come with it. I want to sue Neil “not so” Young every time I hear his hippie music for the damage it does to my ears! Trump 2020! turn it off! Remember it's a free society and NOBODY forces you to listen to or watch anything. Buy it here:  Melanin African American shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt King Store

If it’s not about fishing I’m not intersted vintage shirt

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I would say that if you disagree with what Neil Young is doing and what principles he stands for then he would likely not want you playing his music either. I have read and saw your profile. It's quite impressive! This message is to actually express my desire to be one of your friends. Can we befriend? If yes, will you mind sending me a friend request because I don't want to send you a friend request without your permission? I hope we can get along sometimes. It's me (Henry Wallace ) pls add me up let's be just honest friends. God bless you. How about Neil and his band stay at Mar Largo and not pay trump would have an S F. Yeh probably in victim numbers! Who tries to do stuff like that on FB! SMH! he won’t notice that you stopped listening. So it’s impossible for him to miss you. I’m sure he will be super sad to know a bigot won’t listen to his music anymore Good! Because you clearly never got his music in the first place. Buy it here:  If it’s not about fishing I’m n...

15 years of Criminal Minds 2005 2020 thank you for the memories shirt

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What are you saying! If America did not exist surely Neil would have been in another country and people would have still enjoyed his music. Trump believes he can just make up his own rules and ignore the rights of others for those of us who enjoyed his music over the years, we approve of his move to maintain the integrity of his music. I believe that he isn’t the only musician to do this? I know that Lawyers for Steve Perry sent a letter to Trump warning him of legal action for playing Don’t Stop Believing. I doubt it. Neil just releases an album in June that was #1 on the Folk and Rock charts. Nikki M Henton Yep. A whole bunch of artists has issued cease and desist letters. I’m pretty sure the only music trump can play and no one can object to is twinkle twinkle little star there is a difference between “running out of money” and getting money just because. prince when he was alive was very particular about his music. Buy it here:  15 years of Criminal Minds 2005 2020 thank you ...

Pennywise don’t dream it be it vintage shirt

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This is an example of a true mother; not giving up for 32 years. She is a true model of tenaciousness really hopes the son decided not to have anything to do with his adoptive parents anymore. They caused his parents 32 years of torturous heartbreak. I hope they get flung in jail for the rest of their lives! Nevermind Have a great day. I'm assuming you were trying to insult me! Don't bother. I can tell you're one of those people that get offended by people whose comments you don't agree with. Those adoptive parents were wrong and should be held accountable. MY OPINION. You don't agree with it, which is fine. Now go and insult somebody somewhere else! True love is from our mother. That's why women deserve respect and kindness. Thanks for showing the world the real picture of feminism. People who abducted and raised him, seem to have done a good job in raising him, married with a family. Buy it here:  Pennywise don’t dream it be it vintage shirt HomePage:  Hot ...

I’m a writer I make the voices in my head work for me vintage shirt

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My teardrop while reading this story, even I am a new mother so I understand her and aware of the hard time she went through. She is a good mother. The everlasting motivation born of a mother's love. I salute her determination and hope she continues to enjoy her well-deserved peace of mind. Such a lovely story with a very happy ending. So happy they were finally able to reunite after all those years of searching Parents are still lucky, after decades of the unbearable pain of losing a child they were reconciled to each other. Hoping that all the children went missing may find their true families.So sad that even after finding your son, he'll never love her like she loves him. So awful to have memories of someone who doesn't have them of you thank the Lord they are reunited! The level of love and determination from his mother is above words.a tragically sad but wonderful story to illustrate that one should never give up hope. Buy it here:  I’m a writer I make the voices in...

Once upon a time there was a boy who really wanted to become a firefighter that was me the end shirt

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 Citizens and unmasking those citizens over 150,000 dead, a pandemic spiraling out of control, unemployment rates that are worse than the 1929 Great Depression, people being evicted in masses. All while Mr. Trump plays golf. And like trump is the cause of this mess? Get real. The man deserves some vacation and golf time. After all, Obama played basketball and played golf. Some individuals who did not receive their economic impact payment or received less than they were eligible for may not have to wait until next year to see the amount corrected if you are one of them I can show you how you can start earning extra income ask me how to inbox me I will enlighten you more on how you can start making extra income who cares. Just lump her in with the pathetic mayor and Gov. Buy it here:  Once upon a time there was a boy who really wanted to become a firefighter that was me the end shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt King Store

Cornette and Russo hate is a Hell of a motivator shirt

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I wonder if it's because she went out on a lying Campaign to say it was a video about Bengazi! I bet he was Embarrassed at school that his mom was Lying Spectacle! It’s the same n every family who is on the left who is on the right good when you have a good person closer to you. I'm so happy from the very first day I contacted Mr.Nikita as my forex account manager now I'm reaping what I sowed. Thank you, sir you're the man that gave me an idea on how I can live this life without stress, I receive my payment to my bitcoin wallet thank you very grateful man Mr.Nikita good when you have a good person closer to you. I'm so happy from the very first day I contacted Mr.Nikita as my forex account manager now I'm reaping what I sowed. Buy it here:  Cornette and Russo hate is a Hell of a motivator shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Hot Shirt 

Save a Pitbull euthanize a dog fighter vintage shirt

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However, with all the information and truth about this particular lady out there, no one has to make up anything! Susan Rice is accomplished and smarter than you. You're just an insect compared to her. Hope she is our VP. Luann Jackson I can sympathize with her my 15 yr old thinks she wants to be a Republican but not a trump supporter. Mrs. Rice is pretty bright that's all I know. I too love my child. Of course, you love your child! All democrats aren't miscreants. Some are just, in my opinion, misinformed. People don't hate others for their politics at least conservatives that I know don't. Your daughter sounds like a fine young lady. Why do they think it's OK for a POTUS to invite foreign interference into our elections? Trump has done this TWICE now. The first time worked and got him elected using Russian cyberattacks. Buy it here:  Save a Pitbull euthanize a dog fighter vintage shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt King Store

God is good all the time and all the time God is good shirt

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You do know they don’t get money for that. You’re giving money to an organization that supports BLM I don't know. I'm sure we are giving a lot of organizations we don't like just by having cell phones, internet companies, etc. so If you care. You’d pay more attention to where you spend your money. I’d never go to Coachella because the head of who finances the event donates to anti-LGBTQ initiatives. And I don’t agree. Same with chick fila. I have to Google Coachella. Never heard of it. We don't have a chick-fil-a around here, but I have heard of it. The beauty of free speech and freedom. We support what matters to us. How was she Chele “played”? This story is direct because people bought the jersey and specifically because he stood for the Anthem. I’d say, regardless of where the money went, the point was made. People support players that stand for the Anthem Nike getting all that extra cash guess who’s signed to Nike. Buy it here:  God is good all the time and all the...

Pug I’m not fat I’m just so freakin sexy it overflows shirt

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 I am sure Jesus wouldn't have stood for that anthem. I don't know the version of God that you hypocrites serve. here is a quote from the news a good one. "The walk of a Christian is the path least traveled. Issac bows to Jesus, not social media branding. He’s walking the walk!" and they all are loud about being a patriot yet they don't believe in the constitution for everyone. I guess the Indians should've loved God a little more. Then they wouldn't have been needlessly slaughtered. But alas, God did not bless them. But the slaughters sure had God on their side. Bless them Your the hypocrite, the only injustice is the injustice of not helping themselves and always blaming everyone else! And sir YES Jesus would have stood for the anthem! Jesus is Love not hate! Get over it! maybe you need to read your Bible again. You are way off. Buy it here:  Pug I’m not fat I’m just so freakin sexy it overflows shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Hot Shirt