Black Girl Style Akatsuki Naruto shirt
Both sides are trash but Democrats are bias w double standards and hypocrisy. Never blue, no matter who! Could someone share the link to CNN’s fact check of the DNC? I’ve been looking and asking for days. LMAO! A less than 2-minute video where the guy starts out saying there weren’t a lot of facts to check! They only put this up to look like they were being fair. just like trump, excuses and lies are what your entire party is all about. First false claim of bias, they reported Democrats Fact Check the same day just not real-time. The Republicans Convention had more fact checks (lies) on its first night than the entire 4 days of the Democratic Convention. We were on pins and needles waiting for CNN’s “fact-checkers!” NO ONE EVER I listen to the candidates and make up my own mind. I don’t need some network to tell me what to think about anyone.
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Buy it here: Black Girl Style Akatsuki Naruto shirt
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