Proud blue collar American shirt
But wait, wasn’t it the Democrats touting that China would rather have Biden in office? Still doing the “shift the narrative” style of reporting I see. so you didn’t like it when America reset its trade deals with China, an economic rival? Hmm. Weird. Trump claims to support local manufacturers while in reality, his companies manufacture everything in China, to this date, including that campaign hat on his head. Weird. While Joe was on CNN, Biden Confuses Jacob Blake With Teen Who Shot at Rioters! Joe Biden says Trump and allies are 'rooting for violence' Joe seems to forget that it is democrat cities where all of the protest, looting, burning, and killings are! Beijing isn't a scapegoat Beijing is the culprit. The coronavirus is the fault of the Chinese government. I'm not a Trump supporter. He is correct in China. That country can go to Hell. To quote Trump: "China, are ya listening." Russia isn't the only one who can interfere with US elections!
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