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It was Hillary Clinton and U.S. intelligence officials who worked with Russians and others to entrap Trump. who you trying to convince yourself. Russia is part of trumps team. Bought and paid for by Putin. How will this misconduct be avoided in this election? Trump cannot be trusted, he's a con manDeirdre HartmannY’all mad cause you can’t beat him so you rely on fake news, riots, and chaos, and now the post office. Keep trying. John PaulAnd yet his cultists still deny that chump worked with Russia. Denial is strong in that group.Sharon Goodwin as is lack of education Just one time would I like to check CNN's page without the first thing being Russia and Trump be fair in your reporting and report Facts on both parties so that we may make informed decisions. Or If you just going to print/produce opinion articles don’t pretend to be news.The very same media Trump enjoyed during the decades for his habitual self-promotion to the point of using fictitious names trying for more press yes, that’d be it. Once power-driven Fox advocate broadcasting propaganda management offered obsequious hungry Trump about 95% devotion, he quickly degraded and denounced MSM.
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