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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2021

Give me Fuel give me fire give me nino niederreiter shirt

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   Bully boy tactics once again from the EU dictatorship. The big lie in action now I just wonder how many would vote for it now? The destruction of our once great country now the bitter truth is known to that voting majority. Blaming the pandemic for much when it was always going to happen after Brexit. Now with dwindling power as we are no longer a part of a free world market the EU we will sink into oblivion. Just to add insult to injury is a gvt making the poor poorer with rising prices, lack of skilled workers in certain sectors and fuel prices rising. Its actually a result of France not sticking to the E.U rules. 240 licences were not issued for French vessels because they could not prove that they previously fished the 6 to 12 mile area off the UK coast. If they did previously catch in our waters then this should be in their log book as is required by E.U law.  Buy it here:  Give me Fuel give me fire give me nino niederreiter shirt

I never heard anybody say I’m going to Cleveland on vacation shirt

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 I agree with the commenter that increasing the price of cigarettes to a ridiculous amount would be the best incentive to encourage people to change their habits and quit rather than the NHS subsidising their dirty habit, which lets face it is a form of self abuse. Elmo Putney it is something they can initiate themselves without even needing to go see their gp. They just make the choice and buy the e cigarette instead....people serious about making positive changes are perfectly capable of doing that all by themselves. Tracy Severn wow you are all heart, if people are looking to stop smoking, they go to their GP surely that is an indication they want to make positive changes, they already do and can get patches and stuff from them but vaping is a great way to help people stop, it is a healthier habit, and a good step to a better future, you don't just wake up one day and be perfect. Elmo Putney I am afraid we will have to agree to disagree on that. Buy it here:  I never heard ...

Mickey mouse Xavier university of Louisiana since 1925 homecoming ’21 shirt

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 If the BBC would like to give us all the same access and promotion that they give to the “celebrities” then you might have an argument. And as far as my comment as to their “job” this still stands, spending your entire professional life pretending to be someone else does not qualify you to comment on anything! there is vaccine to be had, except the poor countries cannot afford these? Basic issue is money but many organisations want a share and every country's economy is also badly hit by this pandemic. I completely agree but there is also a problem with take up in some of the poorer countries. I have recently come back from one such country where although the vaccine is available, vaccine rates are under 20 % due to mistrust of the vaccine and politics at play. My step dad got both shots last year when they first came out and he just got out of the hospital today after a 2 week stay after getting COVID-19.  Buy it here:  Mickey mouse Xavier university of Louisiana since ...

Beards are like Tequila they make my clothes fall off shirt

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 After 11years working 50h a week on my feet in the hospitality industry, (that everyone knows that is hard work and badly paid) I was able to get an office job. Still the company never considered work from home a possibility until the confinement. Now I've been working from home for over an year and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I am still very productive but instead of spending my breaks sitting in the break room scrolling on my phone, I can do some home stuff so when I finish work I'm never worried if "I have to do laundry" or whatever.. I don't have kids, which makes me love being at home without distractions nor social pressure to look good, be friendly, participate in activities that I really don't want to. Geoffrey Lages the pandemic has forced an opportunity that many companies wanted to trial ie majority of days working from home. Buy ti here:  Beards are like Tequila they make my clothes fall off shirt ​​​​​​​

Rugrats Chuckie We’re Doomed shirt

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  some say loves is more valuable than money,I beg to differ. Forster Parker I mean depends on where you are. If it's a country where your family is a dictatorship and you have an unlimited supply of money depriving the subjects, then it would make sense. Royal title in Japan is just a title. It seems to me that COP26 will simply end up with Boris forcing and bullying huge costs and restrictions on the people of the UK in the name of the environment . While other countries will just continue do what ever they want . The conference appears more like an ego trip for Boris Johnson. there will eventually be some climatic events that will focus the minds of even the greatest skeptics and then the real work will begin. Before that nothing much will be done. Even the natives in Amazon jungle understand what climate change means and it's effects the root of the problem is greed.  Buy it here:  Rugrats Chuckie We’re Doomed shirt ​​​​​​​

The Spice must flow shirt

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  I don't have kids, which makes me love being at home without distractions nor social pressure to look good, be friendly, participate in activities that I really don't want to. Geoffrey Lages the pandemic has forced an opportunity that many companies wanted to trial ie majority of days working from home. In many cases the concern over drop in productivity has not materialised and therefore many organisations can’t justify mandating returning to the collective office. Geoffrey Lages In a life before covid many organisations didn't realise how well they could work online until they were forced to. I'm single and working from home is great for me. I can get more done in less time with half the annoyance at home. What? Do you have your own office? Geoffrey Lages The article tells you exactly what kind of (yes including single) people would be attracted to this: introverts. Since you "can't see" the attraction, congrats you're an extrovert. Buy it here:  T...

Grinch back off I work at Tyson and I have a crazy husband and I’m not afraid to use him Christmas shirt

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 W potty trained our two as toddlers, hated it , but I had the support of the health visitor, my sisters who already had children, my mother and the friends at the toddler group, who made me laugh and persevere, the mothers who have had none of this over lockdown have my sympathy, not judgement. Pam Walker very well said..I have a little boy aged 5 who has a very rare incurable bowel disease who has little control on bowel movements because he had to have alot of his large intestines removed soon after birth...there are alot of different backgrounds and reasons..just remember when you insult people as a whole pigeon hole group yous are actually showing yourselves to be the narrow minded uneducated fools...I would give anything for my boy not to have to wear the continence nappies provided by hospital..but it will be a cold day in hell before I would let some bored bigot on a keyboard make me feel or my beautiful boy feel inadequate or judged. Buy it here:  Grinch back off I wo...

I don’t watch crime shows for entertainment I watch for new ideas shirt

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 Just because the government said you don’t have to take precautions anymore I keep hearing comments like “now we’re getting back to normality” or “the crisis is over” as if the government magically eliminated Covid by one change in policy. Or, “well everybody else has stopped taking precautions so I have too.” Where’s common sense gone? Look at the numbers? Do they tell you Covid’s gone away? The public seems to be incapable of making its own decisions on anything without the government (which they universally criticise and vilify) telling them what to do or basing their choices on what “everybody else” is doing. How about taking personal responsibility for yourself and your family for a change and making your own decisions based on independent analysis? Wales has mandatory face coverings indoors, they also have vaccine passports for accessing large events. Basically they have 'plan B'.  Buy it here:  I don’t watch crime shows for entertainment I watch for new ideas shir...

New York Giants Win Lose or Tie Giants fan till I die signatures shirt

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  And stop being locked away. Bil Van Corbach You think people are laughing at the article because they think there's "too much freedom for the peasants"? I see. Regardless, I am just saying that she is referring to those laughing at the article, not her. That's the only point I was making. As you are a healthcare professional can you tell me why so many other healthcare professionals are being sacked or leaving the profession because they do not want the vaccines ? That’s because they have no clue about the flu strain we are getting so the flu vaccine is basically guesswork. My doctors surgery don't even pick up the phone, when I go in to reception ( shutters are down) I ring the bell, they come to the shutter, tell me to phone in. Should never have abandoned masks and social distancing.  Buy it here:  New York Giants Win Lose or Tie Giants fan till I die signatures shirt

Michael Myers Halloween Kills 43 years 1978 2021 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

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 Rosemary Livesley that is soo true! I am a retired Nurse and realise the serious implications of the virus! Also have noticed too all the concerns you have noted! I also hear people who are out and about saying they are safe as they are double vaccinated! Keep up the good work! Rosemary Livesley I totally agree with you. I live in Cornwall and I must say that the majority of people DO still wear a face covering and sanitise our hands. I still do. Went to Exeter and there was hardly anyone wearing them. People will be up in arms when the government tell everyone to stay at home, wear face masks etc. Only have themselves to blame. Rosemary Livesley Becquse life needs to get back to normal. To much freedom? We can't stay in lockdown forever. No one would have any immune system at all! And a simple cough would kill.people. this is going to be around for years to come. We need to learn to live with it now.  Buy it here:  Michael Myers Halloween Kills 43 years 1978 2021 signat...

Snoopy I just want to read my books and ignore all of my adult problems shirt

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 Stop sending rockets up stop with the nuk subs and leave the lungs of the earth alone thats the amazon forest mother nature put things on this earth not to be destroyed by humans now she is getting her revenge back they all belong to her. Over the past five years, just 10 African scientists worked on the 100 most-cited climate research papers globally. Fewer than a quarter of the authors were women. How about they drop the whole thing and concentrate on developing renewable technology so it becomes more reliable. Whilst doing that start fracking and expand nuclear so we can stop relying on other countries. Heat pumps, what a joke. Unless a house is designed and insulated to run with such a system this is a nonstarter, also the noise they generate. Use of hydrogen is where the tax payers money needs spending.  Buy it here:  Snoopy I just want to read my books and ignore all of my adult problems shirt

Some people need to open their small minds instead of their big mouths shirt

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 Would you say smartphones, which are more complex and were relatively made within a short period compared to the billions of years you refer to(as you put it marvellous complexity), came into being by the Keypad phone finding its own means to become complex and more useful? The natural laws science thrives on to give us all these wonderful creations and be able to advance their inventions ,you my learned friend would logically assume they all came from a minute unicellular organism (which also sprung out of nowhere)? They didn't die out , we still carry their genes about with us today , to a larger or lesser degree , they all bred with each other , mixed their blood in war just as in peace , the Neanderthal didn't disappear from the face of the Earth , he assimilated , as did all the other species of hominids.  It doesn't really matter what someone believes whether it be Einstein or someone else it is just that a belief.  Buy it here:  Some people need to open their...

October is Pitbull awareness month are you aware of how misunderstood we are shirt

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 Karma is a good or bad effect in response to one's actions. He is obviously an intelligent person, had he not been in juvi maybe he'd have gone on to be just as successful but in the criminal world.  I massively disagree with the sentiment of this piece, personally. I don't think a persons second chance should cost an otherwise innocent/unwitting person their first, and sometimes, often, it does. two people shouldn’t get a second chance when there could be only one? I think all kids who were raised in bad environments should get second chances. I never meant to imply they shouldn't get a second chance, just that it shouldn't impact on a persons right to live a peaceful life. The planets a big frickin' place. Akik Haroon Well he killed someone involved in killing a friend of his. Buy it here:  October is Pitbull awareness month are you aware of how misunderstood we are shirt

James Bond 007 60th anniversary 1962 2022 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

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 The society he wanted to live in, valued not just the laws on our statute books but the myriad informal values we carry every day and which are the essence of democracy: tolerance, courtesy, kindness, the ability to debate without arguing or argue without fighting. Without that David Amess died for nothing. Not everything. This is definitely an Islam issue though. What a lot of Muslims (obviously not all) tend to do is denounce the attack and claim the assailant "wasn't a real Muslim" How is that helping? They don't even recognise the issue of extremism within their own religion, instead they just brush it under the carpet. Any level headed person KNOWS that not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslim but this defence mechanism of saying these terrorists aren't really followers of Islam is actually more detrimental to Muslims than it is helpful. Had this been an MP from the opposite parties then the Government would have sat back and done not...

Skeleton dancing I have the perfect body in my freezer shirt

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  Then the whole system will break. I can't understand why anyone would want to be a GP receptionist. They are so essential to the running of GP and they are treated like public enemy number one. When it's gone it's gone. I don't see many young people taking on the role so that queue to get through is only going to get longer. Frustrating for me when I call too. OK well diagnosed with diabetes in August told to her further blood tests speak diabetic nurse. The day before blood tests and nurse appt,  I agree with some of the receptionists do have a terrible attitude and should be trained appropriately as they are normally first contact with a patient Well dealing with people , if first contact which can lead to contact with various members in a group is bad and confrontational. Further down the line can react in more unpleasantness.  Buy it here:  Skeleton dancing I have the perfect body in my freezer shirt

Mom and Daughter best freakin’ partner in crime ever shirt

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 Guernsey, BVI, Cayman Islands and all of the other tax havens around the world where businesses are set up and billionaires stash their cash to avoid tax? Not bad for step/phase one. However that in and of itself it will do little to nothing in the hindrance or ending the rich from hiding profits from being taxed in and of itself. David Johnston You do realize most of the large companies companies may have years of losses from before and many are public, meaning there are shareholders! These shareholders are like me and many others with a retirement plan (IRA or 401K in the US). Ever heard of double taxation? We need a worldwide wealth tax on individuals rather than worldwide corporate tax. Individuals should pay tax on their personal assets regardless which part of the world their assets are held Is it not possible to set aside certain amount out of 15-20%corporate tax ,as a common corpus fund , Buy it here:  Mom and Daughter best freakin’ partner in crime ever shirt