Grinch back off I work at Tyson and I have a crazy husband and I’m not afraid to use him Christmas shirt
W potty trained our two as toddlers, hated it , but I had the support of the health visitor, my sisters who already had children, my mother and the friends at the toddler group, who made me laugh and persevere, the mothers who have had none of this over lockdown have my sympathy, not judgement. Pam Walker very well said..I have a little boy aged 5 who has a very rare incurable bowel disease who has little control on bowel movements because he had to have alot of his large intestines removed soon after birth...there are alot of different backgrounds and reasons..just remember when you insult people as a whole pigeon hole group yous are actually showing yourselves to be the narrow minded uneducated fools...I would give anything for my boy not to have to wear the continence nappies provided by hospital..but it will be a cold day in hell before I would let some bored bigot on a keyboard make me feel or my beautiful boy feel inadequate or judged.
Buy it here: Grinch back off I work at Tyson and I have a crazy husband and I’m not afraid to use him Christmas shirt
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