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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2022

My body is a Machine that turns Cigarettes into smoked Cigarettes shirt

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 The damage to my lungs caused by smoking! I was so angry when i found out, as I wasn't even a heavy smoker. I also suffer from Asthma, Sleep Apnea and COPD. Not forgetting, heart failure, diabetes and arthritis. Happy days. I stopped last February having been diagnosed with throat and tongue cancer for me it was easy stop or die. I've had chemotherapy and radiotherapy it seems to have got rid of the cancer. All this time my wife daughter and step daughter still carried on smoking. Please people stop. I think the more people give up the better.. I quit smoking but now vape.. Buy it here:  My body is a Machine that turns Cigarettes into smoked Cigarettes shirt

Fact checkers didn’t exist until the truth started coming out shirt

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  may they find an antivirus soon, peace. Nonsense, I'm there now, the fire has been burning for four weeks, spot fires are being spotted 5km in front of the main fire the biggest problem is the wind,, the area of banks, and other such places, have been told to evacuate, or down load there bush fire plans.get your facts right BBC, and stop sending extra reporter's over here. You don't report on the heavy rain up in the northern territory, possible flooding. My father smoked in our home and vehicles my entire life. I’ve not smoked but I’ve always been around it until I became an adult.  Buy it here:  Fact checkers didn’t exist until the truth started coming out shirt ​​​​​​​

James Taylor 56th anniversary 1966 2022 signature thank you for the memories shirt

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  And the experience we will get from this battle. Will be great helpful and benefit for all human in the world. Yeah the Chinese are temporarily slowing down taking over the world until they have this handled you need to give them money and what about racism they're totally racist what was the rest of it again oh victims yes it's very sad who caused it the Chinese maybe they should stop building islands in the ocean right now and setting up military bases and taking over the Asia sea. They isolated Uighur Muslims and kept them in detention camps, now they are being forced to lock themselves up. Buy it here:   James Taylor 56th anniversary 1966 2022 signature thank you for the memories shirt

Mercyful Fate Melissa shirt

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 It’s tragic, and ultimately rests with Cameron and the fools that decided to open our country up to this disaster when there was absolutely no need. For those Brexitors, please don't count your chickens just yet. Only time will show you the real consequences of your decisions. Remember the old story of the farmer who gave his sons a bundle of wood sticks and asked them to break it, but they could not do it. He then gave them one stick at a time and the sons were able to break them easily. Britain is now that single stick. Buy it here:  Mercyful Fate Melissa shirt

NKU one norse open Sleigh Ugly Christmas sweater

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 They are only what the rich wanted and not want is best for the majority of the population. We could of had the northern powerhouse if the government had put an application to the EU for regional development grant. They refused Grant's we were entitled to. That's why we have little ship building and steelworks and our railways outside the south east are so poor. It was our Tory government who pushed for denationalisation of out utilities companies and transport. No I have been aware of the many improvements to people’s lives during the 47 year membership. Buy it here:  NKU one norse open Sleigh Ugly Christmas sweate r

Wishing you a very Supernatural Ugly Christmas sweater

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 Do you really think the EU will give you a good deal and encourage other countries to leave? Do you really think Donald will give the UK a deal that benefits you rather than the US? I hope it works out for you guys, I really do, as I have lots of mates In the UK. Monica Gajadharsingh so a few teachers have lost their jobs perhaps they can start teaching in the states comprehensive school system. Have a thought for the thousands of jobs lost in the fishing and farming industry caused by European fisheries and agricultural policies. But why should you worry about that. Antonija Perkovic Prpa Well we do have a wee bit of an investment in the USA our banking families actually run the place.  Buy it here:  Wishing you a very Supernatural Ugly Christmas sweater

Refreshing throat punch throwback shirt

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 The only bonus for the Government and those who voted out is that the Coronavirus has taken over the news headlines and peoples thoughts, that they claim that Brexit has started peacefully and successfully. Emma Sams Brexit has started very peacefully - has civil war been declared? I don’t think so and as for Boris and his so called clowns. They were voted into power by a massive landslide because and here’s the rub Labour and Momentum thought they knew better. Well they didn’t and we’re out of it. You’ve got five years to get your own house in order and give the people something they want. Maybe then Labour will attain power, but only maybe don’t bet on it. Boris won because he talked the same language as the majority of voters Corbyn meanwhiletalked down to them and treated them with disrespect. Buy it here:  Refreshing throat punch throwback shirt

6th anniversary 2016 2022 Stranger Things signatures thank you for the memories shirt

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  I work so it would be left at home alone, dogs can also be aggressive, they slobber everywhere. Pooja I still don’t understand. But you obviously have a different mind set to me and that’s fine. Hoovering up dog hair, cleaning the house properly so it doesn’t smell, and getting some exercise in the cold lol (which I love) aren’t reasons not to have unconditional love and a friend, in my eyes. It’s hard to explain if you don’t experience it yourself, but I agree, you shouldn’t have a dog. Buy it here:  6th anniversary 2016 2022 Stranger Things signatures thank you for the memories shirt

23 years of Law and Order special victims unit 1999 2022 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

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 I notice you are raising funds for mental health. So you are not totally ignorant. Your fun does seriously impact other people never mind their companion animals that they care for. So please before you go and insult people think about how your happiness impacts the wellbeing of others. There are plenty of ways to have fun without such detrimental unnecessary activities. You realise that there is noise everything in big areas, right? Pets are upset by nearly every single sound. Unless you have zero technology and walk around in tiptoes, you would be apart of the selfish crowd that you claim to dislike.  Buy it here:  23 years of Law and Order special victims unit 1999 2022 signatures thank you for the memories shirt

Bohemian Rhapsody Freddie Mercury shirt

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 I can't believe how selfish some people are on this thread. Just think about others and wear headphones, earplugs, what have you. Lock your pets up for the one or two nights a year, we hear them barking every day of the year.... There's no need to kill other people's joy because something affects the minority. Manage your own problems, everyone shouldn't have to bend to you. Alicia Thomas pets might be alive, but they are man made. A bulldog for example suffers all its life because of the way it got bred.  Buy it here:  Bohemian Rhapsody Freddie Mercury shirt ​​​​​​​

Official Natural Selection shirt

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 Andrew Batty what is your worst fear? Ok, imagine a few nights a year someone forcing you to experience that for hours, you don't know why, you don't understand, you only know something really bad can happen to you, it is coming for you and nobody can help. Andrew Batty be real.. it's not a few nights per year.. here in south london it's been every day since the middle of october. Fireworks are pretend bombs,and should be totally banned out of respect for folk who have to endure the constant terror of real bombs.  Buy it here:  Official Natural Selection shirt

Scary Gang Pumpkin Halloween shirt

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 Fourthly, where has this utter rediculous situation come from where we should ban something on this side of the planet when something completely unrelated to us is happening on the other side? Sadly your views whilst you think are well intentioned show no attempts at educating yourself before being shared and thus make no sense at all. Edward Ralph perhaps you should learn to read. I said spare a thought for those affected ; you know like they did ref Grenfell as an example. Many places have already substituted fireworks for laser shows so it is feasible.  Buy it here:  Scary Gang Pumpkin Halloween shirt

I ain’t no got Dang Son of a bitch shirt

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 Did anybody spot the retractions by Avon police on the Wednesday after the first disturbance to say that the serious injuries to the three police, including two with broken bones, didn’t actually happen? But those “injuries” were quoted in every single news report and have formed the opinions of all those on here now going on about rent-a-mobs (and other examples of tabloid speak) and think giving away our civil liberties is fine because it’ll never affect them. Slippery slope and something they’d never stand for even somewhere like France.  Buy it here:  I ain’t no got Dang Son of a bitch shirt

If I can’t bring my dog I’m not going pumpkin Halloween shirt

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 What was left was the usual trouble makers half of which probably had no idea what the protest was about. I think the police should be congratulated on their patience when yet again they were taunted hand had fireworks bottles and other missiles including urine in containers aimed at them. So grow up if you think this is acceptable behaviour for allegedly mature humans to show. From what I could see from the news footage, it was a peaceful protest.  Buy it here:  If I can’t bring my dog I’m not going pumpkin Halloween shirt

I’m a Squirter Halloween shirt

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 Whereas Quakers, Retired Music Teachers, Nurses, Librarians and Food Bank Volunteers (called "Loomnie Lefties" and "Rent-A-Mob" by the rightwing press that calls for violeence every day) are "surprisingly" non-violent.  this started off peaceful; its escalated that bad because its provoked by government. Its not police or protesters fault actually its the Bill and government that are playing us off against each other. You can't stop protests, they are a natural bi product of making or not making laws. Remove the right to peacefully protest and it then becomes a riot.  Buy it here:  I’m a Squirter Halloween shirt

Marco Antonio Solis 46rd anniversary 1976 2022 signature shirt

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 Carol Dickerson Its the beginning of the end for Liberals worldwide. You had your chance and you used it to call people names and try to silence them. That made them grow in numbers and instead of changing stood stronger in what they believe. Gareth Menzies no I appreciate it doesn't do anything probably for the cause but the government have stop listening not just two people about the police and criminal justice bill about a lot of things or just close their eyes and pretending that's not happening in their country I think it's inevitable that we are going to get groups like this trying to make their voice heard,  Buy it here:  Marco Antonio Solis 46rd anniversary 1976 2022 signature shirt

Cats Horror Kitties Horror movie Halloween shirt

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  Violent protest is already illegal, the Bill doesn't change that, this bill is directly targeting peaceful protesters, and the "annoyance" that the bill refers to is entirely up to the government to decide. gee thanks guys so because I am a pensioner I know nothing well great to know. I do however know enough to know what is happening is a total disgrace. One would expect it of America maybe but jot here in the UK. I stand by what I said bang up the bloody lot of them and throw away the key. That's what would of happened in my day .. we had none of this behaviour because we respected each other and the rule of law. Maxine Anderson really, forgotten that there is a pandemic going on! Buy it here:  Cats Horror Kitties Horror movie Halloween shirt