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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2022

Film the Police shirt

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  Willy Brandt said sorry on behalf the German nation for their actions in WW2. Every year at the Cenoptaph we honour the dead of various wars. It's a commemoration, and an apology to the sacrifice those people made and a determination it should never happen again. An official apology means a lot to people and their families who have suffered injustice. Retrospective group apologies for previous actions taken by others are hollow anyway. An apology needs to come from those responsible for the highlighted failings and not those that are also having to live with the consequences of their antiquated and misguided ideology. Trevor Longfield yes and no- I do also think that it's important that current organisations acknowledge that they've changed, even if it's not necessarily the same people involved any more. Buy it here:  Film the Police shirt

Nurse saving lives educating the ignorant and being nice to the Idiots shirt

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 I can def see why people are anxious about having it. Angharad Lewis but all vaccines were experimental at some stage. People still had them to allow them to become mainstream. I wasnt anxious to get one. But I was offered one and am so grateful. I know people that are months away from being offered one in high risk jobs and would love one. It just baffles me that people are putting themselves and others at risk when they have a solution offered to them. N Paul Mabobo I disagree. With half the population vaccinated I think Israel is in a great position to start lifting restrictions- especially for those that have had both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. That’s the whole point of vaccines- to save lives snd then reopen the global economy. Christopher Palazola Yes they were on it from day one with treatments, healthy blood bank donations and vaccines ! I for sure would follow that. The most people pro rata with Covid. Buy it here:  Nurse saving lives educating the ignorant and bei...

Drink Coffee read Books dismantle systems of oppression Vintage shirt

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 A lot of teachers and support staff are in the age group that will be vaccinated also any one with certain health issues are now on the list my daughter had the vaccine last Friday. She is in her 40's has asthma and had a severe chest infection two years ago nearly hospitalised. Also had pneumonia twice. Last term in school all the time wore a mask in school kept the windows open all the time. When kids said it was cold the head said put your coats on. They have had two teachers have it and two pupils all brought into the school not spread through the school. Now that a lot of the older people and the most vulnerable have been vaccinated it is time to get the schools open.  Buy it here:  Drink Coffee read Books dismantle systems of oppression Vintage shirt

Life’s a risk Carnal Vintage shirt

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 People abandoned with serious illness is also not caring ( Mrs Thomas ) Don McCarron it absolutely does mean you understand it. That would be like me going to a mechanic that’s read how to do bypass when I need heart surgery, or to a salon owner when I need medication for a sinus infection. Your comment is asinine and lacks any sort of intelligence. Joan Wilson There’s an essential piece missing from their brains. That part that normal people have:self-awareness, an ability to be honest about one’s knowledge and lack thereof, humility and an appreciation of the dedication, hard work, experience and acquired expertise of others.  Buy it here:  Life’s a risk Carnal Vintage shirt

Miller Lite Vienna Beef Chicago style loves Beer shirt

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 Still, no one forced her to work for them and all the provisions of her contract should have been explained in detail prior to her signing so that this didn’t happen. The same happens with athletes regarding the court or on-the-field speech. “Warning” someone against doing what is otherwise his or her right to do is not a warning it’s a threat. That’s why it’s important that the extent of any right she waived needed to be clear BEFORE she signed on. this is so predictable. These right-wingers, she claims people are biased against her because she can't hide her hate, and then accuses everyone of bullying just because they aren't down with her hate. every single one of them has done that. Carlson, Limbaugh mahr johns Even Morton Downey. You should have the right to say what you want, where is freedom of speech? Buy it here:  Miller Lite Vienna Beef Chicago style loves Beer shirt ​​​​​​​

Never underestimate an old man who loves gardening and was born in October shirt

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 We had many mental consequences becouse of these destabilising changes, Wilma Caraffini Not saying Italy's handling of covid is perfect...far from it and I am fully aware of the economic consequences of lockdown. I was just citing my own experience as a teacher in a school which is taking all precautions possible to stay open. So far, so good and fingers crossed we can remain open. I do think the UK needs to mandate mask wearing in schools and outside as well. Simon Watts oh for goodness sake do you teach or have contact with kids? I can assure you that it would take far more than a mask to mute kids! They are much stronger than you give them credit for and will make themselves heard, mask or no mask. Online learning mutes kids, literally. Wearing masks so we can be together in class and stay safe is far more preferable and closer to ‘normality’ in these times that are strange and stressful for us all.  Buy it here:  Never underestimate an old man who loves gardening and...

Senior Mom class of 2023 shirt

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  I have friends and family who have had cancer and other treatments delayed, not because of lockdown, but because of the virus. The NHS was struggling with the additional strain and because those patients are the most at risk in a hospital environment during treatment. You can't blame the lockdown for it. People in Sweden are more likely to live alone than any other nation in Europe, have a higher level of income and are less likely to be obese or unfit. They seemed to be doing well initially, but they were too relaxed and have paid the price subsequently. Lockdown slowed the spread previously and the virus peaked after Christmas relaxation (at the time of year when viruses thrive best in our climate). This lockdown AND NOW vaccines, have also made a dramatic difference. Buy it here:  Senior Mom class of 2023 shirt

Need to Diequik shirt

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  And if anyone going talk about buying colours there are lots of things for babies out there not gender related. I am sorry he got into a fix and is now not going to meet his offspring. Nol Montalbo totally agree it is a custom that evolved over the past 20 plus years since women began to know the sex of their baby before it was born. As I recall it started with a cake served at baby showers the color of the cake (pink or blue) when you cut into it shared with the family and friends the baby’s sex. what has happened is idiots who now decide they want a bigger show hence the death of numerous parents to be or their family members every year as they explode incorrectly. Nol Montalbo it's always struck me as an odd thing to do. People caring about children's genitals is weird (which is essentially what gender reveals are), and the only people who are genuinely interested in the sex of the child-to-be are the parents. Buy it here:  Need to Diequik shirt

Red team Hackers heroes in a popped shell shirt

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  China uses it, so why pay them just to pretend we are green. This is why our governments should have been spending their time investing in more local ways of creating power ie wind and solar. Instead of wining and dining Russian billionaires and letting them buy up half of the U.K. while in exchange we’ve become more reliant on their dirty natural resources. In all honesty although i have made lit of this subject in my previous comments yet the majority of people commenting are worried or annoyed about our gas supply and i would assume for the most part this is due to the fact that we use it to heat our homes or cook with it. So correct me if im wrong we may not have enough gas to do this which in reality we supply over 50% of our domestic gas from the north sea fact, beyond this a large proportion comes from Norway fact, further to this large amounts of liquid gas are shipped in by boat from Qatar and the US fact, then the remainder comes from Europe fact. Buy it here:  Red...

Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves Yankees signatures shirt

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 The only time I’ve felt scared is at the thought of having the vaccine, I don’t trust it, mainly because I don’t trust the majority of the information we’ve been fed over the last year. It says everything to me that my fear of the vaccine is greater than my fear of covid. Simone Callan If you have the Vaccine it means that if you get Covid you won’t die from it you’ll just get mild symptoms and that’s all, So you’ll be a lot safer with it than without it, The Anti Vaxers and anti maskers will either have to hope they don’t get it and possibly die while everyone tells them “we told you so”. Simone Callan they are not only putting themselves at risk but the society and the healthcare workers. As the vaccine’s purpose is to decrease the severity of the symptoms, therefore reducing the chance that you end up in the ICU, Buy it here:   Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves Yankees signatures shirt

I Stepped on a Bee Beelievedepp shirt

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  I didn’t heard anything like you don’t catch the virus or pass it. Max Saundry she didn't say she wouldn't have the vaccine the discussion is about having to have a piece of paper stating you have been vaccinated to go out which is a restriction in your freedoms. Different discussion. I will have the vaccine but will never carry anything to prove it. Alex John Davies I believe your choice is being able to socialise with other people or get vaccinated. If you don't get vaccinated don't expect the benefits of vaccinated people. Your choice isolation or vaccination. If you choose to be a hermit you don't need to be vaccinated.  Buy it here:  I Stepped on a Bee Beelievedepp shirt

Max’s Mix Tape running up that hill shirt

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  Not having an HR increases the risk of the company having a male-dominated "boys will be boys" culture - But maybe that's how Greg Jackson prefers it. I'd like to know what he pays his managers and employees then to handle these things he expects of them. Hopefully they are higher wages than comparative positions at his competitors for the additional knowledge and undertakings they would have over the "base knowledge" needed for a normal management position at an energy company. Octopus is in its sixth year - he has no idea if his managers are any good at managing issues of bullying and harassment, especially if they are the perpetrators, because he leaves it to them to manage. I’d be fascinated to know how his company fares in audits - especially a Borders Agency audit.  Buy it here:  Max’s Mix Tape running up that hill shirt ​​​​​​​

Pfizer the breakthroughs never stop shirt

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 After some panic and attempting to not allow the solicitor in the building until my solicitor briefed him on what he faced if he didn’t follow employment law by allowing my representative in the meeting he relented and sat very quiet whilst my solicitor went over what laws the company had broken in the non-investigation of my claims. He passed the process up the ladder and they threatened me with ‘their lawyer’ at the next meeting. I welcomed it. Funnily enough it was all ‘resolved’ amicably without another meeting having to be held. HR is such a small element of even the largest companies these days due to IT which enables them to outsource nearly everything. It does not mean they should not have staff focusing on benefits or development. Without them they will find it hard to compete for the best talent.  Buy it here:  Pfizer the breakthroughs never stop shirt

I’m a slut for Crab Rangoon shirt

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  The safe cheap meds which have been proven to massively help with the virus were banned. The corruption that has been blatant over the past year to those awake is shocking and has costs many lives. The thing to remember here is that basically 99.9% of us want to get back to some sort of normality and to that end ill do whatever it takes, however remember back to the start of this and many who would be considered naysayers and conspiracy theorists warned, spoke of vaccination passports only for the powers that be to essentially say, oh no it'll never come to that! So it could be law soon that in order to have a job you have to have had the vaccine If this was the law all those who refused to have the vaccine would be unemployed.  Buy it here:  I’m a slut for Crab Rangoon shirt

Jesus life’s problems one solution It’s just that easy shirt

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 I have taken the vaccine for my own sake; it won't stop me from catching Covid...or then spreading it. So...why the passport? Definitely control by stealth. And if it is about protecting the NHS, then why allow smoking and obesity...is the next step to control what you eat? This Govt is no longer serving us. Passport vaccines are going to be controversial. On the one hand, hospitality businesses are desperate to reopen. It would benefit them to be able to reopen sooner to only vaccinated people and would save all us taxpayers some cash, as the furlough scheme and other financial support can't go on indefinitely. Buy it here:  Jesus life’s problems one solution It’s just that easy shirt

Leftover Crack film cops shirt

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 Seems like no one is evolving and just going back into the past. As someone who has had to shield for nearly a year now( I'm in my fifties), I will never feel safe going in a plane, to the theatre, etc etc unless I was sure all who could have the vaccine have had it. Obviously people who can't have for medical reasons would have to carry card stating that so they could live life normally. I'm not sure people who haven't been shielding know how stressful and frightening going back " to normal" may be for some of us. Really? Can anyone tell me what happen to our personal choice when to get the vaccine. We have different timescale and decision when and where to have the vaccine.  Buy it here:  Leftover Crack film cops shirt

Stardew Valley shirt

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   However, this story, obviously fake because none of the news deals with the real important facts of the world, is an attempt to get local groups of terrorists from around the world to concentrate on terrorising army officials in position in government in Myanmar or wherever else they might be. Which is impossible because the army live in guarded barracks and can't have on-street or house-based terrorism because of that layout. Protesters get arrested and taken to prisons before execution, that sort of thing. This sort of activity, faking the news is at this stage a desperate attempt to get back into power where they can continue to corrupt and try to regard utilities as a non-human right despite the world's authority dictating that they are for free in every nation, a legally binding situation, and enforced by the UN military and World Bank. ​​​​​​​ Buy it here:   Stardew Valley shirt

Gov Ron Desantis no Floridian will be restricted mandated or locked down in any possible way shirt

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  I do not see why I should be exposed to the child of anyone who has sat at home enjoying their furlough and the safety of being socially distanced while I have worked to help keep this country going, and to potentially become infected by that child and take the disease home to my own wife and children. You ask why if it is unsafe are schools reopening? They are reopening because we have testing in place to help make them safe! You are trying to make them unsafe! So, you're anti-mask as well? I bet you've been breaking lockdown as well haven't you? Everyone else doing their best to stop the spread of this virus and you're there just doing what you like in your selfish and arrogant way, thinking you know better than every expert in the world. Buy it here:  Gov Ron Desantis no Floridian will be restricted mandated or locked down in any possible way shirt