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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2020

Tom brady gronk 20 make tampa bay great again shirt

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 This is not good news without people being "taught" what is appropriate and how to use it. I watched in the supermarket today, as a woman wearing industrial dust masked, lent over the meat tray and her mask slipped, so she adjusted it and then went on to sort through the meat packages - sharing whatever she had breathed in or out through the mask. - That is not going to reduce the spread of a virus! Something is better then nothing it will stop droplets coming out of your mouth not just from cough but from breathing other countries have done it and their numbers are low and have gone down a lot faster. Might be other reasons for this but why not just try homemade not ones as I know the NHS need the proper 1s social distance and a mask should surely work better than just social distancing IMO. I think it feels very unsafe walking around these days, not because of the virus but because of the lack of people. Buy it here:  Tom brady gronk 20 make tampa bay great again shirt ...

Perhaps this gon is the moment for which have been created esther shirt

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  They have no choice but hole man that shows they have a needs medical attention why would anybody vote for somebody that has dementia or Alzheimer’s unless they’re going to put the vice president in there that they can control to feel the job. She would endorse Charles Manson if he were a democrat and alive She and Biden ought to take their loss of mental faculties show on the road both suffering from TDS and dementia. Now she believes Trump didn't halt stateside immigration fast enough !if the Democrats in Congress don't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. Credible allegations. We should not forget we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but this party where is the #(pound) me too movement on this but of course you have to post a dissenting opinion. You must have had this bookmarked to be able to post so quickly. Trump's accusers had no proof and many admitted to lying. Buy it here:  Perhaps this gon is the moment for which have been ...

8th grade graduate 2020 quarantined shirt

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 The Me Too Movement should be all over this. Good morning. I just text you on messenger. Can we be friends if you don't mind the most hated woman in America! He knows how to get the job done?  He doesn't even know what the job is! Oh, big news! Who else is there to endorse? Getting so tired of these stories. If anyone thinks that this is actually their nominee you better think again! Whoever and by whoever I mean someone who has lived in the White House before will be his running mate and if by some odd miracle of a chance he wins will be your new president very shortly after. Neither one of them can put together a complete and intelligent sentence even with a teleprompter! It takes a corrupt person to support another corrupt person! Justice will be served! Good always wins over evil in the end!! Please watch this!  New York nurse speaks out about murder in the hospitals. Buy it here:  8th grade graduate 2020 quarantined shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt Cool Shirt...

Pomeranian dog face mask 2020 toilet paper the year when shit got real quarantined shirt

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I hope you are also concerned about the cruelty animals to endure here in the west there are wet markets all over the world in Asia, Africa, and South America why you are racists against ChinaThere are many negative portrayals heap on China that I am unable to agree on. But this is one that I support a hundred and one percent. It must be stopped immediately. Don't be too quick to judge China about animal cruelty. There are many incidents of farm animal cruelty in western countries. Some incidents were filmed secretly by employees who exposed them to the public and media. What about the numerous puppy mills busted in North America and Europe. Wet markets have nothing to do with race. Stop with the race card. Be cautious of baby human fetuses that are consumed for sexual prowess. This practice must stop! I used to work for VS. They don’t care about anything but the bottom line and what influence do you think a bra company has over wet markets? Adrianne Bone YES. Buy it here:  Pomer...

Sunflower American I became a mask maker because your life is worth my time shirt

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 Wow! But guess what man has always lived with belief and religion ever since we became self-aware. It won't change today or tomorrow. Only the dynamics will change. And of course, there's always been the atheist minority. LOL no I think you're describing religious people and societies who force religion upon children before they've developed a capacity for critical thinking. I personally have against this young boy, I'm sure he's sweet and I if anything, pity him. you must be very insecure to worry what a little boy is doing in his own home especially at this time no one is forcing anything on to you I actually pity you maybe before making comments you should actually have some understanding of what each religion actually believes then you are able to have an informed conversation teaching religion to kids should be criminalized so sorry to see especially at this time when everyone is actually doing their best he’s a little boy doing something positively good j...

There’s a 99.9% chance I need a beer and a 100% chance that I’m having more than one shirt

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Every time I visit this shelter it is filled with pit bulls looking so sad. I hope they not only found a home but a forever one. That's awesome I hope when things get back to normal they remain in the loving home that adopted them. One of the best massages I’ve seen for animals lately! Thank you all who did this! Careful Fox you're showing a whole bunch of people wearing masks. Remember this is just a hoax and will go away on its own. Everybody ran out to adopt a dog in case it's the 'end of days' got one last meal for the family. You went there so I didn't have to. This is great. But I have to worry about what is going to happen when people start going back to work. I pray that they keep their commitment to these furbabies was thinking that as well. My first thought exactly I hope they didn't adopt out of one cage into another. Buy it here:  There’s a 99.9% chance I need a beer and a 100% chance that I’m having more than one shirt HomePage:  2020 Cool Ku...

Michelob ultra helping me survive quarantine shirt

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We planned ahead. That is up to the states, not the Federal Government. Talk to your Governor. Trump has as s done a fantastic job and will be re-elected. Tissues ready. You are going to need them. Look at how he spells his name is, a FOREIGNER. What should you EXPECT Trump isn't filling out money to NATO Trump's fault? Hey genius, it's Democrats that defund military every time they get in power. Obozo was notorious for screwing the military budget. And that is why Trump is winning! People are sick of those lies. Shame on you. get informed your post does not have all.thatvhas been done how many times Congress has delayed and refused bills A suggestion for you. Walk-in a veterans’ hospital some time. They are full. Walk into the clinics at the VA. They are full. Exactly! After the president declared a national disaster Pelosi is in China town hugging people inviting everyone to join her there NOW she claims Trump didn’t respond fast enough! Buy it here:  Michelob ultra hel...

I like his Pole shirt

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If I volunteered somewhere and got ill. I’d be regretting it a lot. and that is your choice and nothing wrong with that, we respect each other, for each other's decisions, and I agree, keeping my family safe is my top priority Fortunately our prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, does I joined the farming volunteer website a month ago heard nothing so it's kinda their own faultSame here mate just got an email today, can I start today in Aberdeen, no accommodation need to travel I live in Norfolk, something is very wrong. defo mate I'm on a few things and as you say no Accom 500 miles away, no good get the Vegans picking the fruit and veg? their day has come to serve humanity, if they so wish{somehow doubt it}. So you don't eat fruit and veg then Gerald? Buy it here:  I like his Pole shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt Store 2020

5 things you should know about my mom shirt

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 That is crazy! depends on the situation but it’s smart. Many parents are giving up visitation or having their kids stay with family if they are at a high risk of exposure exactly. This is a bad mistake that judge-made. the separation will cause bigger problems for that child. every system is failing America. Sad. If this was a ploy to get full custody and use the mother's job to do so than I would say that's absolutely disgusting. Because that mother is doing something that child can look back at one day and say my mommy saved lives. exactly what you mentioned about it being taken farther, because of her occupation is a huge concern. I get that it says it is temporary, but I can totally see this being used against her in the future. If her job was used against this time, it opens the door for it again. I would feel this way also if it had happened to a father. Buy it here:  5 things you should know about my mom shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt 2020 Cool

My 29th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 shirt

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The quality of the air has never been clearer or cleaner now under my administration than any past administration in the history of the world.  DONALD J TRUMP that’s about right! Haha, he will say that for sure! That's nothing. We can also see the top of the Statue Of Liberty all the way from Africa. Who's asking? Africa is a Continent, I could be from one of the 54 countries in it. I went register to vote the other day and the guy told me they stay busy with people changing their party from Democrat to Republican. Thank y'all so much for your efforts. Lying will get y'all nowhere! We the people see right through y'all. I glanced at the headline and thought it said: “People in Indiana can see the Himalayas”. That got my attention. Buy it here:  My 29th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt Trending 2020

Grandma and grandson a bond that can’t be broken shirt

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You just mad cause you won’t get paid for your 17 years old You get $500 per child. That child has the ability to get a part-time job most of these grocery stores need the help.No matter what Americans vote! If they say that an individual is ahead don’t believe a word Vote! God bless America! Hate to tell you that even when you are your not.  Our government has gotten to be a joke this person needs to be in the shoes of all the needy right now-Holding the help of all Americans. It’s not only the Dems, Republicans like to change the rules if Mitch doesn’t like it. They don’t call him Moscow Mitch for a reason. Why are people who live on the system getting more? Give it to the workers and their families. Buy it here:  Grandma and grandson a bond that can’t be broken shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt Trending Shirt

Zoko apparel Bears Beets Battlestar shirt

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Starmer may be better than Johnson, but a Blairite doesn't fill me with hope either. Pow, and then you woke up, what most people don't seem able to grasp is that people attacked Corbyn because they were afraid of him. Mr Flip Flop, one of the architects of the failed Labour manifesto and one track Rayner. Another nail in the Labour coffin! yes, at this exact moment, I can't think of anyone that would have done a better job right now Labour would have had the NHS in far better shape for all this. Go ahead try and sell the NHS now. we need a new government. The current one is not up to the job. Buy it here:  Zoko apparel Bears Beets Battlestar shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt 2020 Hottrending

Born to drive tractors forced to go school shirt

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And in 10 years time they’ll be at 20 ten years ago the liberal democrat’s were in government, now look when parties change their values people don’t necessarily follow they were the tea boy. And people had laboured to switch to. Labour are the opposition, there is no credible party to switch to, they’ll be back. Time will tell. I don’t believe he’s enough to make me vote for them again feel let down by the lot! Nor should they! I thank god Corbyn wasn’t in charge at this time, and I was practically christened Labour! Time to change!, we must have learned something because we’ve ditched the Far Left approach, which would never have worked thanks to the Tory Cold War scaremongering in the past. Buy it here:  Born to drive tractors forced to go school shirt HomePage:  2020 Store Hotrending Shirt

Yoga social distancing shirt

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Yup, I begged my tenants in the 2 homes I own not pay me rent cause I'm worried about their families and losing their jobs. They can't just up and move unlike you, trailer parks are convenient and not everyone likes to live like trash! if he felt the need to close the borders why was he not doing anything to prepare us for the pandemic? I can't have it both ways. He did nothing. Thank God.. My beer is getting cold he called it a HOAX and remember when he said 15 cases would go to zero? What’s the Death total number now? Trump a national embarrassment. The national threat to all Americans. Sorry world. I hope you’re staying at home. people will vote for him even more now that the Democrats tried to stop much-needed stimulus package. Buy it here:  Yoga social distancing shirt HomePage:  2020 Best Shirt Imagexshirt

Radtech 2020 quarantined shirt

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 To boost the immune system and fight coronaviruses FUBAR Administration has no clue how to handle a deadly widespread pandemic and dead bodies keep piling up. They know exactly what they are doing … note the supplies are going to the private market (capitalism at its fines) and not the citizens in desperate need. is by design Liz McManus you know what a coincidence dinky Don was my great-great-uncle twice removed brother's name ma'am I am not delusional okay decide to stand Donald Trump know that if they shrink themselves down to the size of the virus will be able to study it so that way Donald truck can be able to use his confused skills to take it all out great job from captain bone spurs, displaying his experience on bankrupt 7 times, now he is bankrupt the country he ChineseWhat is everyone surprised for?  Buy it here:  Radtech 2020 quarantined shirt HomePage:  Store 2020 Imagexshirts

Hair up scrubs on time to light against coronavirus pandemic CNA life shirt

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Hopefully, its before they die. Jesus loves you, Tonya. Josh Abram There's sharing your beliefs and then there's living in some ivory tower, on some bs high-horse, spitting on everyone else for obviously prejudiced reasons. And I do not believe in God at all. But I am respectful of others' beliefs. You guys should try it. It's very obvious why she's saying she hasn't found Jesus and it has to do with who *she is*. Tonya Hartwig what’s sad is adults who should have developed a rational thought process but didn’t and therefore cant cope.  Grow up and quit believing in imaginary nonsense to get by... God bless you for standing bold for Christ in the face of abuses. What you said is the truth and nothing but the truth. JESUS Christ is our source of salvation,, belief in him and you will have eternal life with him. I read the whole article and nowhere it said she didn't believe in GOD  nor did it say she never found him either  Doctors and nurses cannot save bein...