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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2020

Yorkshire Terrier blood inside me American flag shirt

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Positive or not nope by the time they test positive the damage has already been done. Everyone will get this virus eventually, there is no hiding from it. Testing is completely pointless to protect the most vulnerable and a movie on with our lives ENOUGH IS ENOUGH other countries have opened up 2-3 weeks ago no issues! Other countries also had the infection 2-3 weeks earlier. and some countries did not even do a lockdown with the same results as those who did ! Lockdowns don’t work after the virus is widespread! The country needs to open back up! If u are in the most vulnerable group take extra precautions but we can NOT stay closed indefinitely! or there will be nothing to open back up to! they also closed before us and were ticketed if they stepped out of their homes. We on the other hand haven’t shut down to that extent Good because the virus was already too widespread in the country locking down had little to no effect on the spread! Buy it here:  Yorkshire Terrier blood insi...

No one prepares you for the transition from ma ma to mommy to mom to bruh shirt

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Accountability is nil. And frustration grows by the day among border users of all kinds"(Tony Payan "The Three U.S.-Mexico Border Wars: Drugs, Immigration, and Homeland Security" 2016 digital: loc. 153). Business as usual: "While the President has publicly touted Fisher, the company has a history of red flags -- including more than $1 million in fines for environmental and tax violations. A decade ago, a former co-owner of the company pleaded guilty to tax fraud and was sentenced to prison. The company also admitted to defrauding the federal government by impeding the IRS".Citizen protest idea. We should “liberate America” and knock down that wall as soon as they finish it typical GOP. If Mitch McConnell actually worked for the American people like he is paid to. Buy it here:  No one prepares you for the transition from ma ma to mommy to mom to bruh shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Top Shirt 

Walk away I have anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people shirt

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He addressed the problem in his State of the Union and Pelosi ripped up his speech., You would believe anything if it was spun as being against Trump. Such nonsense. what he did were racists. He was stopping any Chinese that was from coming into the country. Instead of stopping any travelers which over 400,000 did come into the country. It wasn’t that he stopped the flow it was he didn’t stop it all because of the virus & he was picking just one nationality to stop. That is what made it racists. any and all of your points are squashed by the simple numbers. The US has the most cases and most deaths. Our leadership failed. Period. yes, he was told the beginning of Jan he ignored the warnings. Buy it here:  Walk away I have anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt King Store

Essential covid 19 6 feet veteran shirt

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 This is nothing new. So your tactic is that it isn't Trump's fault, all presidents screwed up. The thing is, we KNOW this one failed in real life actually, that's Not True. It's what someone told you to believe. This President has had a better response than any other country, and the other countries are praising him for it. Wayne Kemper - NO other countries are praising Trump for his response to the pandemic. I live in Australia and we are definitely not praising Trump or his administration. Get a life, start reading the information in foreign newspapers or websites. Stop being blind to what other countries are doing or think. “NO! We Just HATE TRUMP! What are you doing here? Which other countries are praising Trump for his response? I'm looking at a bunch of other countries, and their responses have been much better. For example, are you saying that the American response has been better in any way than New Zealand's? Buy it here:  Essential covid 19 6 feet v...

My favorite type of men ramen vintage shirt

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Much wiser than competing as transgender against women especially when they couldn't qualify as original gender.No matter what just stay kind people You don't care if we have a mentally ill president fake account why Democrats? It’s Republicans who keep allowing relaxed gun laws which allow mentally ill people to do mass shootings but you don’t wanna talk about that, do you? Sexual orientation is not a mental illness unless you feel that ALL sexual orientations are as a result of mental illness. The problem with your statement is that no credible psychological organization considers transgenderism a mental illness. Only small-minded bigots do. Buy it here:  My favorite type of men ramen vintage shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt Hot Shirt

Easily distracted by books and dogs shirt

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Dave Heagney. Again, we were losing so many guys that the services were taking everyone he could have served even if he never left the country. He did not. So happy about this! Now there is a path we are all equal and should be treated as such. So I guess "God" doesn't like Ethiopia. Actually, since the virus pandemic started AFTER Bie banned transgendered people from serving in the military, I think you got God's opinion on the matter backward. It’s an election year and Milk is going to need all the help he can get. I think a debate with Sleepy Joe should take care of that nicely or is it creepy Joe not sure which probably both I just think that would be a hoot to watch. Imagine Biden being eaten alive. Popcorn. Sarah Haley Simon, Joe has dementia? Buy it here:  Easily distracted by books and dogs shirt HomePage:  Kuteshirt 2020 Shirt

The lord’s calories don’t count shirt

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 That's cool it's your decision God blessing on you Amen have a lovely day Roses hate Guns there for scared cowards if I hated everyone who hates Trump, I won’t be able to watch movies and listen to music. Why are you reporting this? Stupid click-bait, divide and conquer tactics of mainstream media we all live in this country we're all on the same side Guns and Roses? Giving an opinion on health concerns? You mean these guys aren't dead from drug overdoses? Thanks, God. A band of 90years old boomers lets me know their opinion.they have been trash for 20years#trump2020 well, they did fire their drummer over drugs. I mean, apparently, the pot can call the kettle seriously black. They are true upstanding examples of human kindness and courage! I really don't see that. I understand you he has kept some unflattering company over the years. Buy it here:  The lord’s calories don’t count shirt HomePage:  2020 Best Kuteshirt 

You smell like drama and a headache please get away from me shirt

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 That's what's wrong with celebrities and musicians. Just because someone doesn’t have the same political views you have, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve your respect. Part of being a mature person is, showing respect to those that don’t have your same views. They tryna be relevant Keep trying to stay relevant dudes since Netflix won’t make you a movie maybe lifetime willWhat’s really sad about this is that people actually care about this stupid news. People are dying in the world but heck let’s talk about some has-beens t-shirts. Yup, that works. Yes, Guns N’ Roses is always where I want to get all of my political advice Vanessa Johnson Do we think creepy or disgusting with your SPAM/BOT self? Let us all know since you keep appearing everywhere and everyone is on to you! Buy it here:  You smell like drama and a headache please get away from me shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Hot Shirt

I can show you some trash shirt

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Did she have any other preexisting conditions if you don't mind me asking? Nope, no pre-existing conditions. She was healthy. I believe there are several different strains of the Covid19 virus. that's crazy and terribly sad. I have a daughter who is 14 I couldn't imagine that. Once again sorry for her loss. I hope you and your family stay safe!I'm going to go out on a limb and say (sadly) there is at least a co-morbidity. It was diet and him being overweight that did him in. Sumo wrestlers don't have balanced meals as their diet is mostly based on proteins. I have followed two documentaries on Sumo wrestlers focusing on their meal plan and it showed me a great deal about them. The Corona aggravated it even further. Very saddened to hear this Does it matter? Fat ppl don't deserve to die any more than anyone else with an underlying health condition. Buy it here:  I can show you some trash shirt HomePage:  2020 Kuteshirt Trending Shirt

Never go faster than your guardian angel can go shirt

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I’ll give them that much. But yet the narcissist in chief demands others risk their lives to reopen the economy, for any chance at re-election.10 hours ago - Republican Mike Garcia has defeated Democrat Christy Smith in the special election for 25th Congressional. They are scums, who have tried to destroyed innocent people's lives. SICKOS. Elections should have consequences in 2020. Democrats want the entire country to be like California, NYC, Detroit, and South Chicago! Vote them OUT! Trump KAG 2020 soon the left coast will suspend the constitution & bill of rights that be fun to watches Congress have 6-foot distance seating in The House of Congress or will the need to remodel to conform? I am an easy-going guy that likes life and wants to enjoy it. Life is too short to go and enjoy it; do what makes you happy, be with the one that makes you happy, and go see and do new things in life. Buy it here:  Never go faster than your guardian angel can go shirt HomePage:  Kutes...

Leopard Valentines Truck Jesus take the wheel shirt

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 Then there are the ones on a big power trip. we in the UK want to hear about people surviving what's wrong with that, yes I know people are dying it's very sad but also we have to have hope and see a light at the end of the tunnel sure I heard trump opened beaches who in the right mind would say that's a good idea he's a complete moron yeah because god forbid they tell you something the virus is causing. Most people like to receive relevant information exactly. time to eliminate the government-dependent folks. let's get back to work and get people off unemployment if they get provide hopefully they will pass it on to their parents and grandparents and then we can have them off of SS. time to clean up the system. let's start with the weak it’s true. I’m a COVID nurse. There are many with extremely high blood clotting. The normal d-diner is 500. I’ve seen it as high at 13,000 Phew, I didn't pick up the sarcasm maybe the only thing that works with these folks....

Vintage 1980 limited edition shirt

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Delivered in the manner so beloved by BBC journalists: Would the BBC like to take the opportunity to apologize to the thousands of grandparents desperate to hug their grandchildren who were subjected to the sickening spectacle this morning of Michael Ball popping round to Captain Tom's house on a bit of a jolly? He's admitted he was wrong and has apologized. I in no way condone his behavior. But looking at his past record and achievements, his expertise could prove to be useful. Perhaps we could call off the witch hunt just this once? Is this Professor Ferguson who predicted that 200 million would die of bird flu and only 282 died worldwide. He also predicted that 50.000 would die of mad cow disease and the total was actually 177. It doesn't seem much of a loss. The BBC likes nothing better than to whip itself up into a frenzy of abuse when it spots an issue with the handling of the coronavirus. What a pity it fails to see issues closer to hope with the same acuity. Buy i...

Mickey Mouse ears and bowling kind of girl shirt

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 Great point brother that is the American spirit we have been duped into retreating from. Kudos Yes because it's SO rampant. .02% death rate in the US. Run and take cover! Then can you get on the other side of the wall before we finish it please? he could be asymptomatic or one customer who has it could pass it onto the next. Corona doesn't respect people's rights. Wait for a vaccine. he could be asymptomatic or one customer who has it could pass it onto the next. Corona doesn't respect people's rights. Wait for a vaccine. 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks. 3,000 people are dying of this virus a day. The percentage is always low and "overblown" until it's someone in your circle of family and friends. Wow, you Democrat’s are the most ignorant people ever. F you and f the government. No class and no respect for America. Pj Gavigan, I'm sorry to hear of your accident but car accidents are highly infectious. This is not about you or me it's abo...

Tell me it’s just a dog and I’ll tell you that you’re just an idiot shirt

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Is he for real? What kind of BS was that? Did he forget his Twitter commentary? Nicole Christopher, it doesn't matter to some people only their god Trump says the truth anything else is fake news obviously you do, otherwise, you wouldn’t respond! getting our daily laughs!  because some of us have family in the USA. But typical only your opinion matters! He is the President, not anyone else. He can get all the info he seeks, but he didn't even try. It was never a "hoax" and he wasted precious time trying to convince everyone it was. All because his only claim for good was a decent economy. He is responsible for many deaths and so are those that tried to bolster his message. Ellen Bonis.  Trump banned travel from China within 1 week of China banning Wuhan residents entry to Shanghai and Beijing. The biggest lie by the media and by worried leftists, that Trump delayed.  Unicorns are real and Arizona has a wonderful coastline. China beat IQ45 on trade and again on coronav...