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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2022

Vote we’re Ruthless shirt

Hình ảnh
 The government doesn’t want the NHS to thrive, they want it to crumble, so they can sell it off piece by piece. I'm going to guess that Janette is not real, and that this is a trollbot account, trawling for reactions and comments. And we have all obliged. If Janette WERE real, then I would hope that she dies alone stuck in a puddle of her own waste, undiscovered for 3 years. But, as she is just a collection of ones and zeros on a server in Russia, then there is nobody really to argue with. Katherine T. Tyson it's his own fault really that's he was in this situation. Buy it here:  Vote we’re Ruthless shirt