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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2022

I want to tell him what a cheap where’s the Tylenol shirt

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 The BBC don't seem to grasp this, which is why they keep interviewing someone who's an undoubted expert in one field about a field they know nothing about. Linus Pauling was a scientific god-like genius but became obsessed with his belief that vitamins could cure death. Newton spent years trying to turn lead into gold. Being brilliant in one field doesn't automatically mean you can apply it to another. Just hardworking, dedication and enthusiasm are the criteria for success in almost every field of life. They’re definitely more clever in that they’ve applied themselves to education, and successfully taken that knowledge further than the vast majority of us. I'm going to take my chances and use a brain surgeon if I need brain surgery, and if I need a rocket, well, rocket scientist every time. Buy it here:  I want to tell him what a cheap where’s the Tylenol shirt ​​​​​​​

Shitposter you mean Feral Philosopher shirt

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  Working remotely has merely exposed this failing in leadership and how your business operates rather than caused the problem. Even if we go out on a limb and blame the staff - you’re the one that recruited them, and so that is yet another failing on your part in that your recruitment process isn’t rigorous enough to get the staff with the motivation and skills you need. My brother has been working from home for some time now, he says he can do everything from home for his job, that he would normally have done in his workplace, as he stays alone he does miss face to face contact, but however does not miss his daily commute into Glasgow. As an employee who has had to work everyday and can't get a hold of anyone who is working from home then it's time our company is back in the office, don't see why I should have to be chasing folk to answer thier phones when I have to be on site all day. Buy it here:  Shitposter you mean Feral Philosopher shirt ​​​​​​​